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Jules barely waited until her dad, Carmen, and Yaya left before she started posting about the party happening at her house.
As Robby and Miguel set up the apartment for guests, Jules helped Eli get the green out of his hair and then they headed towards the strip mall market for beer. To say Jules was getting deja vu was an understatement.
Fortunately, with the help of Eli saying that Jules, who he called his wife in the scenario, made him shave his mohawk, the man behind the counter recognized Eli and let the two teens buy their alcohol. By the time the couple were back at Julianna's apartment, the courtyard was filled with teens.
Jules headed inside her apartment, Eli right behind her. When she started to walk towards the kitchen to make herself a drink, Eli grabbed her arm and pulled her to face him.
"Hey, do you have that baseball cap I gave you? I haven't styled my hair yet." Eli asked and Jules smiled. Without giving him a real response, Jules starts walking towards her bathroom and since Eli was holding her arm, he was right behind her.
Jules open her cabinet in the bathroom and took out Eli's hair gel she had from when he used to have his mohawk and would come over with his hair down, but wanted to style it later on in the day.
Eli slowly stopped when he saw Jules take out the hair gel container. With furrowed brows, he looked down to Julianna. "You still kept my hair gel after my mohawk got cut?" He asked and Jules looked up at him with a small smile.
"Yeah. I mean, I didn't know if you would want to go back to the mohawk when you grew it out or not so I decided there was no harm in keeping it just incase." Jules said as she shrugged, spinning the container around the counter.
She looked up at Eli and immediately smiled at the practical heart eyes he was giving her. Slowly, a smile took over his face as he shoulder his head and started to walk towards her. "I love you." He whispered, his hands gently going to her waist to pull her closer to him.
Jules smiled as Eli leaned his head down and kissed her. Her hands went to the back of Eli's neck and went they pulled away, Jules opened her eyes and looked up at him. "I love you too."
Eli continued to smile down at Jules. He pulled her into one more, one very quick kiss before he grabbed the container of hair gel and started to style his hair.
Jules smiled at the sight. It may have been silly of her to think it, but ever since she spent the weekend at his house, she started to love doing the little things with him that couple that live together do.
Eli turned to her once he finished styling his hair, turning on the water in the sink to wash the hair gel off of his hands. He turned off the water and put the hair gel back in the cabinet once his hands were cleaned.