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Miyagi-Do got fifteen minutes between their fight with the Rendentores and Cobra Kai to rest, stretch, or do anything else they needed to do.
The nine students just sat in the locker room; Lexi, Jules, and Eli sat on one bench, Julianna resting her head on the boys shoulder as she nervously picked at her nail polish while Lexi sat beside her. Lexi looked down at Julianna's hands and quickly reached over, interlacing their fingers so Jules would stop messing with her nails.
On the bench across from them was Demetri and Kenny while Miguel, Robby, Sam, and Devon sat on the bench in between the two.
No one spoke. You could hear a pin drop. Jules was too nervous to even take a sip of her water incase it would awkwardly break the already uncomfortable silence.
Not being able to pick at her nails or drink water, Julianna's leg started to bounce.
Robby noticed his twins nervousness and decided to be the one to finally break the silence. He let out a small laugh, looking between his teammates. "Come on, guys. We've beat Cobra Kai before. We can do it again." He said and Miguel nodded from beside him.
"One more time. Let's send our captains into the finals." Miguel said, waiting for Jules to look at him. When she did, Miguel sent her a big smile, hoping to calm her nerves.
Julianna felt her eyes sting as she smiled back to Miguel. This would be her last time fighting with Miguel. It started with just the two of them and now, it was ending.
"One last time. Win or lose, this is the last time we'll ever fight together as a team." Sam muttered. Jules could hear the girls voice waver in her words, and it only made Julianna's heart sink more. She didn't want this to end. Not yet.
Miguel took a deep breath and nervously ran his hands up and down his legs. "Damn, I guess. I've never thought about it like that."
"It's all I've been thinking about." Jules finally spoke, her voice raspy from trying her hardest not to let it shake. She felt Lexi squeeze her hand as she lifted her head to face her team. "After everything we've been though this..." Julianna's heart clenched, stopping her from speaking.
"This is it." Miguel finished for her and Julianna gratefully nodded her head, worried that if she tried to smile at Miguel, she would only start crying.
Robby watched Jules, wishing he could go over and sit by her and give her the biggest hug. Jules was able to be there for him when he needed it earlier in the day and now, all he wanted was to be there for her.
Ever since the were little, Robby always struggled being around Julianna was she was crying. Maybe it was an older brother instinct or maybe it was because he couldn't watch her big eyes slowly start to fill with tears and her bottom lip tremble before he felt like he was starting to cry as well.