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–this chapter has slight mentions of sexual assault please read with caution and if anyone ever needs anything i am always here to chat<3– 【SEASON 6 EPISODE 8: PART TWO】
To say the walk back to the hotel was uncomfortable was an understatement for Julianna.
The entire walk, Demetri didn't utter a single word, which was extremely out of character. By the time they reached the elevators, Jules had sobered herself up and she finally realized how distraught the boy looked.
His eyes were red, puffy, and filled his tears. His cheeks were streaked with the residue of past tears and his lips and nose were red.
Julianna took a small step toward the boy, raising her hand to rest it on her arm. "You okay, Dem?" Jules whispered, but Demetri didn't answer. He instead dropped his head, shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath.
Hawk rolled his eyes at the silence. He also noticed that the boy was upset about something, but Hawk thought either; A: he was overreacting, or B: he did it to himself.
Hawk shrugged carelessly, leaning back intro he elevator wall. "Dude, what is the matter with you?" He asked and that was all Demetri needed to get set off.
He needed to lash out at somebody and he couldn't let it be Jules. She didn't deserve it. Not after everything she's done for him.
But Hawk speaking, giving him just the right amount of attitude even though it was obvious Demetri had been crying, gave the Alexopoulos boy a perfect excuse to use Hawk to let all of his feelings out.
He spun around to fast to face Hawk, it startled Devon and made her reach out to grab Julianna's elbow, pulling her back to stand next to her. "You!" Demetri yelled, raising his hand and pointing an accusing finger at the boy.
Hawk looked at Demetri in shock. "Me?" He asked, looking to Jules and Devon on his right, trying to see if they knew what Demetri was talking about, but they looked just as confused as him. He turned back to Demetri, his shoulders raising in defense.
"What did I do now?" Hawk yelled as the elevator doors opened to their floor.
Demetri groaned, turning around to walk out of the elevator. "You–" He stopped walking. Hawk, Jules, and Devon stopping behind him, staring at the back of his head with wide eyes.
He groaned again, turning around to face the three. "I don't know what you did! But one second, Lexi and I were talking about you and your stupid decision to not apply to MIT..." Jules crossed her arms and licked her lips as Eli rolled his eyes from beside her.
"And the next thing I know, Lexi wants a break!"
This made Eli and Jules freeze instantly. Any annoyance they had with the boy standing in front of them washed away in seconds.