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"Lets go, Dumb and Dumber! We gotta go to school!" Joey screamed, ripping the blanket off Julianna and Lexi who were sleeping on the living rooms pull out couch after falling asleep trying to stay up all night watching movies.

Julianna had been staying Gomezes since the day of the fight, Mrs. Gomez practically insisting since Lexi stayed at Julianna's house more than her own and Johnny had fallen off the face of the Earth.

Lexi was the one to drive the three to school, claiming that since she was the one who has had the car since Joey's been at boarding school, she should be the one to continue driving the car.

When they got to school, they met up with Demetri, Chris and Nate at the front waiting to get their bags checked. Lexi and Julianna introduced Chris and Nate to Joey while Demetri gave Joey an awkward nod, having met before Joey went to boarding school.

Julianna and Lexi had been talking with the Miyagi-Do kids a lot more since the fight. After Johnny disappeared and Miguel's been in the hospital, Kreese was the one running Cobra Kai which made the two girls leave the dojo but not joining Miyagi-Do, just staying normal for a little.

"Hey, Joey." A group of girls sang as they passed by the group. Joey smirked, winking at them as Julianna hit Joey's arm.

"Why are you hitting me?" Joey looked at Julianna as if she was crazy. "You just got here." Julianna told him and Joey just shrugged. "Okay, and?"

Lexi whipped around to her brother, pinching his ear, making him jump and turn to her. "AND you can't already start flirting with girls."

"You left me here alone on my first week of school, what do you expect?" Joey groaned. As the siblings continued to bicker back and forth, Julianna turned around and saw Demetri, Chris and Nate standing right in front of Hawk, Anthony, Mitch and Bert.

"Shit. Shit. Lex." Julianna whispered and Lexi quickly saw what was happening and both girls ran in between the Miygai-Do boys and the Cobra Kai boys.  Julianna stood in front of the Cobra Kai boys, gently pushing them back as Lexi did the same with Miyagi-Do.

"Hey boys, how about we just back up a bit." Julianna said trying to push the boys back. "Don't worry, Sunshine. We were just talking." Hawk said as he looked down at Julianna and his mean demeanor fell for a second as their eyes locked.

During her time off of school, Julianna realized that as much as she hated to admit it, she still loves Hawk. A tiny part of her still always thinks about him, a tiny piece of her gets an excited at giddy when he talks or laughs and Julianna hates it.

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