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The group was sitting at the park. Demetri, Miguel and Aisha sitting on a bench, Lexi on the floor, leaning against Demetri's legs as Julianna rested her head in Lexi's lap, her body sprawled out on the grass, a neon pink band-aid placed on her cheekbone from the night before.
Miguel was upset, he had gone to the LaRusso's just before Carmen had found Julianna in the middle of the alleyway and apparently saw Sam eating dinner with another boy, a boy he'd never recognized before. He felt that Sam was cheating even though it wasn't certain. He was so upset that he wouldn't eat.
"God dammit, Miguel. Just eat." Lexi groaned from her spot. "It'll make you feel better." Demetri added, hoping the boy would get annoyed of the pestering and just take a bite out of the sandwich Lexi brought.
"I told you guys, I'm not hungry, man." Miguel moped as Julianna rolled her eyes. "You are overreacting." "I'm not overreacting, Jules! I know what I saw." Miguel defended himself. "All right, so you saw her eating dinner with some chode." Hawk said from behind the bench as he sparing with Bert, kicking him in the face. "You alright, Bert?" Julianna questioned, staying in her spot on Lexi's lap, faintly hearing an 'I'm good' from the small boy.
"It was probably just her brother or something." Hawk tried to reassure but Miguel shook his head. "Brothers don't look at sisters like that."
"Depends what part of the country you're from." Demetri muttered, resulting in Lexi starting to hum 'Sweet Home Alabama' until Demetri shook his leg, stopping her. "I just don't want what happened to Sensei to happen to me." Miguel mumbled.
"All right, so you go over to this kid and beat his ass." Hawk said, making Julianna immediately sit up.
"No! No, no. Don't listen to him. Look you don't know what it's like being a girl with guy friends. Lexi and I grew up with these two nimrods." She said, pointing at Demetri and Hawk who both immediately put their hands up in surrender as she continued.
"He could easily just be a guy friend and you could easily be misinterpreting it because you're worried about your relationship with Sam when there is nothing to worry about." Julianna said, Aisha and Lexi both reaching their hands out for her to high five them.
Miguel looked at Julianna before nodding his head. "Yeah, I guess you're right." Julianna gave him a cheeky smile. "Always am."
"That little bitch!" Aisha screamed as she stared at her phone. "What?" Miguel asked and Aisha turned to the group ready to rant as Lexi and Julianna sat up, ready to take everything in.