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"Not all of us have to learn how to walk twice in one lifetime. But we do all have to learn how to pick ourselves back up when we're down and stand firmly on our own two feet. In the end, I learned that first steps are harder the second time around. I hope my nedxt step brings me to Stanford University."

Jules smiled as she sat beside Miguel as he read his college essay for Stanford to her, her dad, Robby, Carmen, and Yaya. As soon as Miguel finished, Carmen let out a squeal in excitement, rubbing Miguel's shoulders from behind him excitedly. "I'm so proud. I'm gonna cry!"

While Yaya told Miguel how much she loved it, Jules turned to look at her dad, who sat next to her. As soon as they made eye contact, they nodded to each other, both of them having the same note. At the same time, they turned to Miguel. "Go more for the jugular at the end. They'll be begging you to go there."

"You need tear-jerkers." Jules insisted and Miguel chuckled at the two, nodding his head. Miguel turned to Robby, who sat on the other side of him and raised his eyebrows expectantly. "What about you? What do you think?"

Robby stared back and forth between Miguel and his laptop before he smiled, nodding his head. "It's great." He said while he laughed. "Even though I'm kind of the bad guy in it."

Miguel's eyes widened and he immediately started shaking his head crazily, not wanting Robby to feel bad for something the two had already worked through. "I'll change your name. I—" "No, dude. I'm kidding. It's not like I'm applying to Stanford." Robby reassured. Jules watched as her brothers face dropped, his expression now glum. "Or anywhere, really."

"Come on, Robby. You have great futures ahead of you, all three of you." Johnny said, looking to all three of the kids he was sitting with. Jules nodded in agreement, reaching over the table and grabbing Robby's hand, giving it a squeeze. "There's no harm in applying. Even if you're worried."

At her words, Johnny realized he hadn't gotten an update from Jules about how her applications were going. He turned all of his attention to his daughter, leaning closer to her to knock her shoulder with his. "Speaking of that... How are your college essays going, missy?"

A big smirk took of Julianna's face as she leaned back in her chair cockily. "Boston University isn't gonna know what hit them!" She cheered proudly.

Jules could feel Yaya grab her shoulders in excitement but she didn't get the same vibe from her dad.

Johnny watched Jules with a nervous look. The idea of her going so far away wasn't something he wanted to think about. So to have her top school be Boston University was his absolute nightmare in his eyes.

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