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"You've trained hard. You've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best. You're ready for this tournament, am I right?" Johnny screamed, standing on the back of a pick-up truck as the Cobra Kai students stood in the middle of a junkyard. "Yes, Sensei!"
"Wrong!" Johnny screamed, throwing his can of beer at Bert's feet, making the small but jump back, walking into Julianna's chest and she quickly strapped him before he fell.
"Your best ain't shit! If you wanna win the All Valley Under 18 Karate Tournament, you gotta give me better than your best. Which is why, from now on, you're gonna get my worst. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Sensei!"
"Are you losers?"
"No, Sensei!"
"Are you nerds?"
"No, Sensei!"
"Are you sure?"
"No, Sensei!"
Julianna did a double take, not processing his question fast enough. "God dammit."
The group ran through tires until Aisha tripped and didn't get up quick enough before all the students started falling on top of each other.
After that, Julianna helped her dad set up a long board of wood and put it across a big bin of scrap metal. One by one, students walked across the wood, Julianna going first and succeeding. The activity was working well until Lexi's leg slipped and she was about to fall into the pit of rusted metal but luckily she was close enough to the end for Julianna and Miguel to catch her.
After the activities, Johnny started passing out beef jerky to all the kids. "You guys hungry?" Everyone nodded, making the Sensei smirk and Julianna was instantly on her toes.
"Good. 'Cause so are they." He blew a dog whistle pulled from behind his back and Julianna could hear something running behind them before she heard the faint sound of dogs barking.
"Shit!" Julianna and Aisha screamed, instantly running away. Julianna got on to the roof of the pick up truck and watched as everyone tried to find somewhere to go. Lexi ended up hiding with Miguel when Julianna heard someone scream her name.
"Jules! Come on! Help me up!" Hawk screamed as he ran up to the truck, the dogs not far behind him. Julianna quickly grabbed his hand, pulling him up while he used his feet to climb the side of the truck.