Chapter 18.

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Happy new years!!!...  now enjoy :D


"We'll keep close, whatever I tell you to do... You have to do, no matter what. Got it?" 

"Your talking like we might have to separate, like you would need to..." She didn't Finnish her sentence because I could tell she didn't want to say anything.

"It might come to that.... It might not, but no matter what you gotta do what I say. Even if I say run, you run and don't look back. Got it?" I asked her, looking her straight in her eyes so she would know how serious I am. She nodded trying to stay calm but I could tell she was struggling with it. I wouldn't blame her. 

"Alright... Lets go"


I grabbed Emily's hand and pulled her out of the tunnel room, dragging her through the tunnels door that first lead me into this room. I quickly made my way through the tunnel, making a left or right here and there, finally making it to on of the doors I desired to use. I quickly found the symbol and opened the door, climbing out of the tunnel and into a closet in the school.

I motioned for Emily to follow me out, and she climbed out after me. I quickly shut the door then turned around to face the back wall of the cleaning closet, brought a crate out from underneath he bottom shelf and turned it upside down, I hopped up onto it and climbed up a couple shelves. Once steady I grabbed a hold of the vent and quietly pulled it off, I climbed up the last few steps so I could make it.

Once inside the vent I motioned for Emily to climb up to with me, she took a breath then climbed up with me, once close enough I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the ventilation system with me.

"Follow me, but be a quiet as you can. " I told Emily, she nodded. We started heading our way down the system, passing by a few classrooms. I looked in a couple and saw that the guys were in a few looking around for us, every time I would have Emily stop and keep quiet till I Knew they were out of the room. That way there was no way for them to hear us, then we would continue in down the metal tunnel.


We stopped at one point where four vents connect and sat there for a second, I remembered where were but was tying to decide which tunnel would be best to go down.

 "Are we lost?" Emily small voice came in a whisper.

"No, I know this place like the back of my hand.... I'm just deciding which way would be safer" I reassured her, she nodded and sat down beside me. I saw her body shaking a little and a single tear that escaped running down her cheek, I pulled her into a hug and she took deep breaths to try and stop. " hey, we're going o be fine.... Your strong, and smart. You can make it through this, I'm right here" I rubbed her back for a second while she gathered herself.

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