Chapter 16.

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Sorry for taking so long!!

please enjoy this next chaper:) and Merry Christmas!!


"wake up sleepy head!!" I heard in my ear, I slowly opened one eye and looked at Emily to see she was the one who woke me up.

"what am I getting at for at..." I looked over at the night stand "6 am on a Saturday?"

"because! We have to go start getting ready for the homecoming" she said in a sing-song voice, I rolled my eyes at her but got up anyways.

I threw on some clothes and we walked to the kitchen, as soon as I walked in I smelled some actual cooking. I took a deep breath and inhaled it, and sighed at the heavenly smell.

"who's cooking?" I asked Emily, as we rounded the corner I saw Michele at the stove with Ashton. "why are y'all cooking?"

"we have got to eat a good breakfast if we're going to spend most all day at the mall getting ready!" Michele chirped happily from the kitchen.

I walked over to where she was and saw she was making eggs, and Ashton was making bacon? I walked over and grabbed the bread and started making toast, then set peanut butter and jelly out. A few girls looked at me funny, I just shrugged and tended to the toast.

"what in earth are you doing?" Kristen asked coming into the kitchen with her arms crossed, looking at me funny.

"making toast... What?" she still looked at me funny. "if your going to have eggs and bacon, then you need toast! It completes the meal" I said with a shrug, Emily nodded in agreement.

After breakfast we all piled into cars and headed to the mall, the first place we wet to was a nail salon and spa. "welcome to sandra's, what can we do for you lovely young ladies today?" one lady asked from the front desk.

"we made appointments for 10 girls? all the same party, at.... um Ashton, what time again?" Michele asked.

"9:30" "ah, right..... okay follow me please".

After almost 5 hours of having facials and our nails done and our hair, and whatever else you can think of to get ready for a dance- We finally left the mall.

As soon as we arrived back at the school, we all practically ran inside the girls dorm so no one would see our hair and such before the dance. It was almost 6 and the dance starts at 7, we were all mostly ready already so we decided to chill by the TV for a little bit-instead of getting in our dresses first because we didn't want to wrinkle our dresses.

We watched tv for a good half hour, then went to our rooms to Finnish getting ready. Me and Emily were racing all the way to our room, causing everyone to give us amused glances. We finally made it and both took out our keys at the same time but she got to it first, as Soon as she opened the door we were fighting to make it in first, causing s to wedge together between the doorway. I finally managed to move my right arm out from between us, that caused us to tumble into the room. We sat there for a second and looked at each other before we burst out laughing, we had tears in our eyes because we were laughing so hard.

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