Chapter 3.

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After lunch and 5th period, witch I happened to have with Aiden. he tried to flirt again. But this time I played along and flirted back, the girls thought that it was funny how I was pretending to flirt- but he didn't notice the difference. Same with 6th, Aiden had sat at the lab table across from me and flirted some more, I mean he was cute and all but. I'm here for Emily, and I don't think he can be trusted. Not just because he's a player either.

After science me and Emily headed off to the girls locker room. I changed into the gym clothes that the school gave me, while all the other girls wore their sports bras and short shorts. Then we headed out to the football field area, and practiced in this area equipped just for cheering.

I was towards the back, while Emily was up front with Michele because she was co-captain. We stretched for about 10 minutes, After stretching they wanted to test me and see how well I can repeat what I see, so they played some music and had someone do a few dance moves and toe touches- then I repeated it exactly the same.

A few mouths dropped a little while Emily just smiled at me. Michele on the other hand was half glaring at me, but it turned into a smirk when she saw me looking.

"Okay if you can repeat everything I do, then well move on" she told me and picked out some music, then walked in front of me out on the floor.

The music started playing and she shook her hips in a few ways and added some kicks and jumps and spins, then I copied her exactly. Her smirk fell somewhat but then she did some more moves, the way they were placed I think that it was one of the routines that she probably made. When she stopped I did the same moves, copying her exactly, and even flipped my hair like she did at the end. A few of the girls were just staring open mouthed at me and some were smiling like Emily at me, A few even giggled because I mocked her little hair flip at the end.

The music stopped and Michele was nodding her head in approval, then she clapped her hands and smiled at me approvingly.

"Nice job, now let's see if you can tumble" she smirked at me, she went to the farther side of the area and pulled out some mats from underneath the bleachers. The girls went over and helped roll them out and Velcro them together.

"You can run through the simple stuff with us, then you can show us what else you could do" she told me while everyone was lining up in two lines. The two front people started doing cartwheels across the mats, the next row went, and then I went with the 3rd. Then We did a few more stuff like front walkovers and back walkovers, and some round offs.

"All right everyone, clear off." Michele ordered the girls, but then turned to me. "your up" she said smirking at me.

I was only allowed to show them the the basic stuff- well basic for me. because I didn't want there to be suspicion of me from any one. I walked to the end and took a breath to center myself a little, I took my starting step and hurdled into a round off backhand-spring and and came out and did a double back-tuck, landing it with ease. After that I hurdled into an Ariel then flipped into back layout-kick out. After I stopped, I turned and looked at Michele and she had her mouth open just like the girls around her. Even Emily had her mouth open, but She was also smiling.

"so.... Did I make the team?" I asked and Michele unfroze, she smiled at me and held out her hand, I held mine out to herd and we shook hands

Spying is my life... But now I have to be a cheerleaderWhere stories live. Discover now