Chapter 9.

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"I'm going to fall, I'm going to fall, I'm going to fall" Emily kept saying while 'trying' to balance on the ice.

"your fine, I got you" Trevor said with his hands on her waist, and a amused smile on his face.

"do I have to go out there?" I faked being a little scared to Aiden.

"I got you, come on. You'll be fine" he smiled at me and stepped into the ice rink, he grabbed my hands and towed me out there too. As soon as I stepped in the ice I 'wobbled' some, and he went around and grabbed my waist from behind. "see, I got you... Your doing great!" he say to me.

"that's only because your pushing me, if I tried on my own I would fall on my butt" I told him as he pushed us to catch up with Emily and Trevor.

"here, let's try this." he said then moved around to face me, he grabbed my hand and started skating backwards.

"I'm going to fall" I said 'wobbling' and purposefully throwing myself a little bit off balance. He reached out and steadied me by my waist, I grabbed onto his wrist for 'balance' and smiled. I looked over at Emily an she was still faking too, I smiled and she threw a wink my way. I chuckled a little and paid attention to Aiden again.

"your doing great!" he told me with a big smile.

"you just jinxed me!! now I'm sure to fall!" i told him with fake upset and worry. he shook his head laughing, i started to wobble.

"your not going to fa--" he stopped talking and tried to catch me as i lost balance and was falling, he tried to pull me up right but we toppled over and i landed on him. "your right, i jinxed you" he said then started to laugh. i looked into his eye's and then burst out laughing and he joined me. we laughed for a good minute before we got up.

"Hey guys! nice fall" Trevor laughed at us. Emily winked at me then hit him across the chest, the she 'lost' her balance. he tried to catch her but they fell in a tangled mess, me and Aiden started laughing at them. they laughed too and got up, Trevor glared a little at Aiden but then smiled over at Emily and asked if she wanted a drink.

"sure, I'll just hold onto Carson while y'all get drinks." she told him and grabbed onto my arm.

"y'all sure that you wont fall? can you keep each other up?" Aiden asked as he slowly starts to let go of me. i give him a nod and the skate off, me and Emily high-five each other.

"think we should keep doing this? or just give up the act?" Emily asked me, i thought about it for a second.

"let's just skate and see if they notice, it will be funny to know what their reaction would be like" i said with an evil smile. she grinned at me and nodded, we grabbed hands and started to skate around. we eventually went it into the the middle of the rink, we grabbed each others hands and started to spin each other on circles.

we let go and started twirling in our own circles, squatting down with one foot out then standing up and spinning fast again. she held out her hand for me to grab, which i did and she pushed off in an arabesque and spun us in circles. we laughed and kept doing fun little tricks, we finally stopped and noticed the boys looking at us while sipping there drinks.

we skated over there and i did a hockey stop, spraying ice at Aiden. he shook it off and playfully glared at me, then he smiled and so did Trevor, he was laughing at Aiden.

"so y'all were playing us?" Aiden asked with his arms crossed, Trevor in the same position.

"we weren't so much as playing you, just having a bit of fun?" Emily aid twisting her hands together, and looked over at me for help.

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