Chapter 7.

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Yesterday was normal even bough I only got 3 hours of sleep after the mission, but it turned out normal.

Today we are getting ready for the big game, the first football and of the season. Every cheerleader in the dorm was hustling around to make sure they look perfect. We get to wear our uniforms all day today so they're going nuts about how thy look. And of coarse I had to act like them, and it's torture.

"does anyone have any hair glitter?" someone called down the hall, I rolled my eyes. Really? Hair glitter?

"I do! You want silver, red or gold?"


"anyone have any pink lip gloss? I ran out!"

About 10 girls answered yes, I rolled me eyes and finished getting ready. Since Emily wasn't making too big of deal out f everything, I decided that it was safe to act less like the other girls.

"is my hair alright?"

"it's perfect Carson! Just like always, what about mine?"

"perfectly perfect!!" I squealed and she gave me a hug. She put her arm through mine like always and we walked away from all the drama about glitter and lip gloss. As soon as we made it outside we both breathed in fresh air, instead of the polluted air inside. I swear there was clouds in there, glitter, hairspray, perfume and whatever else in the world they were using.


"muffins!" we usually eat muffins in Friday, and just because today was a game day, was no exception.

After breakfast we made out way to class, all the guys were definitely checking us out, because our uniforms were so small I was surprised they were allowed.

We heard a few wolf whistles ad cat calls but we ignored them, I knew Emily was used to this because she has done this before.

When lunch came around almost all eyes were on us, since all the cheerleaders ate at one table and that table just happened to be the center of the room, I guess you could say we were the center of attention. A few guys had courage to walk over to us and sit with some of us, some just talked though. But one guy in particular came and sat right by me, I rolled my eyes because I knew who it was without even looking.

"hey sexy, so you going to the game tonight?"

"of coarse I am!" he smiled "I have to cheer silly" he had that 'oh yeah' expression on and I just giggled. To make him feel better I played dumb for him. "are you going to the game?"

"well the team wouldn't be able to play without their star quarter back now would they?" he smiled brightly at me.

"nope, they sure wouldn't!"

"so you going to be cheering me on?" he asked leaning towards me.

"well of coarse, and every other one of your team members out there.... But you especially" I smiled at him.

"is that so?" he smirked at me.

"sure" I said then turned back towards my food, Emily stifled a giggle from beside me- probably for seeing the confusion on Aiden's face from when I turned away.

Spying is my life... But now I have to be a cheerleaderWhere stories live. Discover now