21. Driving

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(The song is totally unrelated but I loved it)

Liams POV:

I think that was one of the biggest scares of my life, seeing her red and puffy eyes, her tear stained face, the fear evident everywhere, from the frightened look in her eyes, to the shaking of her hands and body, she was pulling at the ends of her sweater, it was breaking my heart to see her like this.

All I wanted to do was take her away, hug her forever, and make sure she knew she was safe, that no harm could come to her if she was with me.

After talking for a bit, i noticed she was beginning to calm down, which calmed me down, I don't even know who did this to her, but I know I want them gone.

Knowing Malia, I knew she wouldn't be comfortable in class, she would be anxious and paranoid, and i just wanted to get her to relax a little, so my amazing idea popped up, take her away. Make sure she knows she's safe with you, and protect her from all the fucked up shit I've seen in this world, me being included.

Im not saying I'm a piece of crap, well, yeah I am, I'm an asshole that's true, but just to people who deserve it, like my parents for instance, shitty classmates, I would never be like that to Malia, but still, I knew she was too good for me, and that would come back and bite me in the ass later, I know I shouldn't be worrying so much for this girl, I was starting to care for her, fuck that, I was starting to have feelings for her, somehow without noticing I passed the attraction phase to where I was genuinely interested in her, which i never do, i never give a crap about girls, I used to view them as something for when I was bored, that perception has drastically changed now, I wanted her to be there with me always, but I couldn't do that, I wasn't going to go through that heartbreak again, fuck no. I knew I had to put an end to this sometime soon, but maybe, just maybe, not just yet.

I have a soft stop for this girl.


She reluctantly said yes and I had got hide the grin from my face to a normal one.

For fucks sakes Liam get it together.

I took her car keys, because I assumed she would be more confortable in her car than on my bike.
I started the car, and i turned to look at her, the sun rays hitting her perfect skin, making her green eyes glow, she looked amazing, still a bit frightened but not too much, I could work with that.

I imagined what it would be like if this was a routine, me driving the both of us somewhere just for the fun of it, no assignments, just us there because we wanted to be there, I could get used to that. I wonder what she thought about.

I drove out of the school making sure not to go too fast, just fast enough to not look like a grandma, and I drove us to a family bar I used to go to when I just wanted to escape the harsh reality that my life was.

You might be thinking, harsh life? You're practically rich, what could possibly be wrong with your life? Yeah, to all of the people who have ever thought of it like that, a big fuck you, you don't know what happens behind the, well expensive curtains.

When I was little my family was indeed perfect, my father had inherit his family business,  a franchise of bars, international hotels here and there, we were gonna do just fine even for future generations with the money my grandfather passed on, he was filthy rich, not a very good grandpa, but he used to buy us shit so I don't really complain about that.

But yeah, we were set. you get the picture, it was just my parents me and my big sister Nancy, she was 3 years older than me, and then my sister Amber came, I was 13 at the time and couldn't be happier about having another sister, although I did want a brother, but I love my sisters nonetheless, and wouldn't change amber for the world.

We were the perfect family, big house, the most amazing relationship with Nancy, we were like best friends, we would tell each other everything, mom and dad loved each other, took care of us and loved us, then my baby sister Amber came, it was the greatest day; because my father was a very busy man, he would pick a day out of the weekend to spend it with us, we would have breakfast, go to the beach or the movies, and then have dinner and talk about our week, and corny family shit like that. As I said we were the perfect family, a united family.

Talk about hypocrites.

"What are you thinking about?" Malias soft voice broke me out of my trance and I looked at her with a small smile on my face.

"Nothing much, just wondering where I'm gonna take you, and I know just the place, you just wait"

She smiled back at me unsure and nervous for the new place, but nodded at last.

We drove around town with the windows down, the breeze hitting our bare faces, making the skin cool and fresh, and listening to music, I discovered our taste in music was drastically different, whereas I liked rock music like Ramones, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC and stuff like that, she was more on the pop side, artists like that, which was completely fine, although she did have a few artist I could see myself hearing, like Post Malone, and you end the list there.

She lowly sang along to a few songs, and I noticed she had a beautiful melodic voice, but she was probably embarrassed.

I confirmed her embarrassment when at a red light I looked at her and heard her singing, and she turned to look at me with red cheeks, which I found extremely adorable.

I took a left turn and parked the car on the bar, and we got out at the same time.

"You took me to a bar?" She asked slowly and unsure. Analyzing de outside of the bar.

"Yes, a bar, but this isn't just any bar, this is a special place to me" I froze, I had never said that to anyone, but the understanding smile on her face made my worries fade "now lets go in, you have to try the nachos, they're heavenly" she laughed and I placed my arm over her shoulders, and she placed her arm over my waist, or mostly my back,  she was so small her arm wasn't long enough, that made me smirk.


I didn't really love this chapter, but I wanted to update :)

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