6. Uh Oh

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What do you mean?
I'm sorry by the way
Never coming back down
Can't you see?
I could, but wouldn't stay
Wouldn't put it like that

Harry Styles-Lights Up


As the sun started to set a while ago it was getting darker and darker.

I walked pass a couple of shops, most of them opened, but they seemed kind of edgy, like when you pass through a 'hood' you know? I guess this was the dangerous part of my city.

The street was dimly lighted, and a few cars passed now and then. Apart from that the streets were almost empty.

I had walked a couple of blocks, my house was really far away now that I think about it.

I was definitely paranoid since I felt eyes on the back of my head, ever since the accident at the parking lot I've always felt a sensation that someone's looking at me, but this time it felt different, like the stare was more intense.

I was sure someone was looking at me, I shivered knowing the possibilities and the worst case scenarios.

I'm alone, walking in an almost empty street, my phone is in the back of my backpack meaning it's almost impossible for me to grab it if I'm in danger.

Oh! My pepper spray, after the incident I got a pepper spray to make me feel safer. It wasn't working much though.

I heard a car pull next to me, I was about to make a run for it, but I heard his voice.

Not just any voice, his in specific, I could recognize it anywhere.


"Hey beautiful" I heard him say, I froze.

I slowly turned around "Colin?" I played dumb, he didn't need to know that because all of the pain he cause me I had his voice, his face engraved in my brain.

"That really you Mal?" I rolled my eyes at him "You don't get to call me that, that's for my friends" I harshly told him, although he didn't seem faced by my comment so he ignored it.

"What are you doing here walking? What happened to your car?" he asks me

"Ran out of gas" I simply explain.

"Oh" he smirks lightly "You want a ride?" I roll my eyes at him "Thanks, but no thanks" and with that I turned around.

I know what you might be thinking, come on Malia the men's offering you a ride! I know I'm a little bit scared of the night right now, but he hurt me in the past, I don't tend to hold grudges, but this is not one, this is just me not trusting him.

"Come on Malia, its dark outside and its dangerous" he tried convincing me but I wasn't going to give in that easy.

"I don't think so Colin" I started walking away and he started to move forward with his car at my pace.

"Malia please, I'm not gonna be a dick and leave you in the dangerous part of town for you to walk alone, just accept the damn help please" I don't know hy he was trying to help me, he wasn't rude or anything, so I finally said with a sigh "Fine"

With a small nod he unlocked the doors to let me in, as I was opening the door to get in I noticed a car had stopped a few shops away and when I stared at it, it sped away.

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