16. A Sweet Feeling

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There must be a sweeter place
We can sugarcoat the taste
Sweeter place
There must be a sweeter


"Let's go" he grabbed my wrist and he guided me through the door.

And that's when I saw...

There's no way.


Please, god, don't let this be real...

"Yeah, nice try, see you later" I patted his shoulder and started walking toward the door.

Before I could even take a step he grabbed me by the wrist and trailed his hand down so that it was holding mine, I looked up at him "Oh come on Malia it's not that bad"

Don't say it

Don't say it

Malia I swear if you say it.

Don't say it

Don't say it

Don't say it

All I could hear was my voice saying those words, the most cliché words in the history of clichés, more cliché than the blonde mean girl, well I guess that one was just true, but anyways, imagine the most cliché frase you could think of an insert it here, yep that one, the oh so famous: 'I'm not getting anywhere near that death trap' frase, I think everyone pretty much knows what I'm talking about.

"Not that bad! It's extremely dangerous, why do you have one of those?"

"One of those? Shh she'll hear" I tilted my head to the side and looked at him with a confused face "You're making it sound that its nothing and she's meaningless," he said rubbing the bike.


"She? Why am I even surprised you have one?" I shook my head, and noticed he was still kinda holding my hand and blushed slightly looking down.

"Come on, I won't speed, I won't do any sudden turns, it'll be fun I promise"

"Yeah right"

"My cars not working right now, so this is the only option"

"That's a lie" I'm not exactly sure that was a lie but I wanted to see if I could call his bluff.

Of course he read my mind and said "The fact that you're trying to 'call my supposed bluff right now is the cutest thing ever" I felt heat creeping up my neck "stop trying you'll never know when I'm lying or if I'm lying" he stated as he let go of my hand.

"Okay, the fact that you said that I'll never know when or if you're lying, leads me to obviously believe that you think you're a good liar, and you probably are, and you said that I'm trying to call your bluff, and you used the word supposed, is proof enough, that you in fact are lying, and your car is perfectly fine" I looked at him with an accusing look.

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