5. I love my friends.

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When the bell finally rang was like music to my ears, I quickly picked up everything I had and left the class

I practically ran out of the classroom, but subtly, you know?

I don't even know why I was so anxious, but I was, maybe because he saw me in a vulnerable situation and I didn't feel comfortable anymore, I don't know.

I don't like people seeing me express emotions that aren't joy or excitement, only positive emotions not negative ones, I feel like people only like to see the good parts in people so that's what I do, doesn't matter if it hurts sometimes on the inside, that's the way I've always done, the only exception is Jonathan, my brother, I tell him everything.

The only mistake I made was making another exception.


I trusted him with all I had, and he ended up breaking that trust.

I quickly got to Mel's locker, but she wasn't there, I guess I left my class too early for her, since she likes to take her time.

So, I decided to call her. At the third ring she answered.

"Hello?" she answered, she sounded sleepy.

"Mel! I need to talk to you, like now! Wait, were you sleeping?" I asked her confused, who would sleep in class?

"what? Um I don't know go to my locker" she responded confused and hung up

I waited for her in her locker almost biting my fingers off because of my anxiety

I don't know why I'm so anxious!

After a few minutes, that felt like hours i saw her making her way to me, I sighed in relief.

"You took forever" I hugged her tightly relieving some stress with the hug

"I so did not, and If I did it's because those retards wouldn't move!" she said increasing her volume at the end.

"Yeah whatever, we need to talk" I told her nervously looking at my surroundings to see if he was anywhere

"oh no" she lowered her head "What?"

"You're breaking up with me, aren't you?" she replied with a small smile on her lips.

"Stop! This is important" I said slapping lightly her arm, although her comment made me feel more comfortable.

"okay fine" she said with a small smirk "You're cheating on me"

I groan loudly and grabbed her wrist dragging her to the outside bleachers where no one really went to because either it was too hot or too cold.

"okay shoot" she said

And I told her everything, from when he saved me to everything after, but suddenly was cut off from my rambling when I heard Melissa chuckling from beside me.

"Excuse me which part sounds funny to you, because I don't think any of this is" at this she laughed yet again in my face this time I just raised my brows at her shaking my head in disapproval.

"It's just I don't see what the big deal is, sorry" I scoffed at that "okay sure, he saved you, he saw you crying was it? But you were assaulted its normal for a girl to cry after that" she replied nonchalantly, I was speechless.

"Well, if you put it that way, it does sound more normal then I'm making it sound, I guess you're right, I should stop freaking out so much" I said the last part lower, that was more for myself than for her.

"See? You've got nothing to worry about" she said with a hand to my shoulder and a light squeeze and I slowly nodded.

And then she added "oh crap he's coming this way quick act natural"

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