20. Followed

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Monday morning was the day I was going back to school, it felt like a thousand years ago since I had gone to school, or gotten in my car, but I just really missed my friends.

Driving in the calm streets, after a few turns something didn't feel right, I got the feeling I was being followed, maybe it was just paranoia from everything going on at home, but I was feeling watched, I looked to my surroundings, everything looked normal, a woman walking her girl to school, a lady running to a coffee shop, a man waiting for the light to change, an old man reading a newspaper sitting on a bench.

There was a car next to me was a minivan with a mom trying to calm her children, but nothing out of the ordinary, I looked to my rear view mirror and there was a black pickup truck, with a guy on the drivers side and no one else in the car, he had a hat on, and sunglasses, his attention was on his phone, not even glancing at me once, I didn't recognize him.

I took a deep breath closing my eyes, held the wheel a little tighter than usual, I focused on the soft music playing on the stereo, until a honk made me shoot my eyes open, the cars behind me were honking because the light had turn green, but no the guy in the truck. Weird.

Swiftly, I drove away, since I wasn't paying attention I accidentally took the long road, and noticed the guy that had been looking at his phone earlier went the same way as me, my heart started to pump blood faster and faster as he kept driving the same direction I was, I took a right turn he took a right turn, I took a left turn he did it as well, my anxiety was going through the roof, my hands started to shake, and I felt a little nauseous.

I started speeding and took a right turn awfully fast for my nausea, I was late to school by now but I couldn't care less, as I entered the freeway that led to the school faster than any road, I checked the mirror and he was gone, I released the breath I had been holding. And my shoulder and arms relaxed.

Come on Malia you're better than this, stop being paranoid and get to school.

I looked at my rare view mirror just to double check and the instant I did my shoulders tensed up again, there he was, speeding as well.

I just wanted to get to the school, I would feel safe there, I tried to look at the car license plate, but with my paranoia I started to see blurry, I felt like I was gonna die, I was so close to the school, I was going over the speed limit, and I didn't even care, I was passing the rest of the cars in a swift motion, but I stayed focused on my main goal; getting to school.

I checked the rare view mirror and no sign of the truck, I felt relieved but not at ease just yet, I looked to the right side, nothing. I turned to the left side and he was right next to me with a sinister smirk on his face. My blood ran cold. This is it, isnt it?

I couldn't bring myself to focus on his face for a description later, everything was hazy. A silent tear slid on my cheek, as I felt the worst danger I had ever been in. He tried to get ahead of me so I couldn't reach the school, my hands were shaking, and I couldn't see straight, he kept moving his car side to side, and I realized it was to cause me to crash, but somehow, I pressed the gas as hard as I could and entered the parking lot without bumping into anything, and luckily he didn't follow me into the school.

No one was insight, except what looked like a motorcycle and some guy leaning on it, he appeared to be smoking but that could've been just my imagination, and my hazy sight didn't really help.

I parked, and with shaky hands I took the car keys out of the ignition and opened the door wide open with tears in my eyes, I looked around and closed the door shut running to the main entrance.

I was looking everywhere, for a sign of danger, my keys pressed against my body, and tears in my eyes, that were sliding down my cheeks. My hands were shaking uncontrollably, I had never experienced something like that, it was terrifying.

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