4. I should've stayed in bed

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The rest of the weekend was me staying home and hanging out with my dad and my brothers, Saturday morning I went for a run around 9 am and same on Sunday.

I would stay up all night but this time I was watching Sabrina, I freaking love that show now, I already got to season 3 and I can't believe what Nick did to 'brina.

Sometimes I would start thinking of the incident that happened on Friday, how lucky I was Liam was there to save me, he probably already forgot I even exist but I will always remember.

I woke up again, lame.

Monday morning yay (please notice my sarcasm) but this time there was no obnoxious sound so I glanced at my alarm clock and noticed it was still 2 hours to even get up.

I know what you're going to say, I should go back to bed, but I can't, whenever this happens which trust me is rare, it's always 2 hours before my alarm clock wakes me and I can never sleep again, which is weird because when I wake up like 5 minutes before, I sleep way more and end up being late to school.

Well, I'm not going to sleep anytime soon so I might as well start with my day, and since I still have 3 hours to be ready I went for a run.

I got into my gym gear, picked up my earphones, my phone, a water bottle from the fridge, I grabbed a belt bag and stuffed my house keys and my phone and I left the house.

While I was outside warming up I made a ponytail with my hair, I walked to the nearest park and started jogging around it, there a few other people there but I didn't mind.

As I jogged past the big trees, all the bushes and the basketball court, I noticed there was someone there playing by himself, i think it was a he.

At first I didn't think too much of it, since a lot of guys come and play this early, but on my second run after I noticed him something clicked in my mind.

Holy crap it's Liam! What the heck do I do now, I hadn't seen him since Friday and I didn't know what to do.

This time I jogged a little closer so I could see him better, he had black basketball shorts and a black Nike tank top, his big arms were glistening from the sweat and as I was staring directly at him he looked back and noticed me, shit.

I quickly looked at a different direction and I started jogging again,  I spent another 30 minutes and I avoided going through that direction and eventually I headed home and got ready for school.

As the school came into view I slowed down and parked in my usual spot, I called Kat and she told me she was going to call in sick, I went to call Melissa when I saw her heading towards me I sighed.

"I thought you weren't going to come" I told Melissa and pulling an arm over my shoulders she gave me a small hug and said "for you anytime baby" and winked, at first I didn't get it until it strike me and quickly shoved her to the side playfully followed with an ewww, she just laughed at my 'innocence' as she called it.

We started walking toward the school and to Melissa's locker that was down the hall.

I was looking at her while she grabbed some books and then turned to me, watching something from behind me, she said "Oh right today the new guy gets here right?"

I looked at her with confusion and then turned to where her eyes were staring at, she was looking at the schools entrance, there were people surrounding it, blocking my view, I couldn't tell who it was but it was obvious it was the new guy.

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