Chapter 5: Stalking or Spying.

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I was exhausted by looking at my neighbors with binoculars. All day I have been doing this and now I have a headache so I went in kitchen to make a dark coffee for myself, I was alone by myself I didn't keep any servants for my chores cause on the other hand it's my vacation so I wanted to do my things in my way, the coffee was done I poured it in my big black mug and went back to upstairs, I turned the lights off of my room and relaxed on my bed checking my cellphone, I didn't even realised when I fall into deep sleep.

Beep beep...

I rubbed my eyes trying to open, checked my phone, a message popping on the screen, so stood and leaned back on my bed. I looked at the time on my phone it was 2:30 am.

"Who's the crazy person to message me at this time,"

I was sleepy like a hell and kept yawning, I tap the screen for the message to open but it was loading, so I thought to have a look at my neighbor. I walked towards the window, it was snowing, I put the curtains aside to see clearly and I saw that on my neighbors house ( Mayaan's room), a girl in her pajama's sitting under a dim light on the floor near the window with a book in her hand but,

" What is she doing on it? ".

I grabbed my binoculars for close up and what I saw was not less than reward. It was the girl I had been waiting to see since all these day's, it was Mayaan, sitting and writing something. The girl who's driven me nuts, she makes me speechless, my heart and mind goes numb. I have never been through such feelings till the day I met her. What is the matter with me, why em I so obsessed to know everything about her.

The girl who's right there , she has made me restless all these nights.

" Mayaan what have you done to me".

I went to switch on the light of my room & when I turned back to look at her, she was gone and the light were off. I came out in my balcony to see if she's still there but her rooms light were off, I couldn't see her at all and the heavy snow fall was making it hard for me to stand out for long. So I went back in my room, I laid back on my king size bed and checked my messages, played online games to avoid Mayaan's thought.


The month of January passed on just like that, in a snap, I came to know the complete routine of my neighbours.

Every one woke up early accept Mayaan's younger sister. Her uncle left everyday for his work to hospital but sometimes he went for his night shifts. From kitchen I could hear Mayaan's mother calling her and every night at 2:00 am she sat near window and wrote her dairy, she didn't even miss one single night, every time she started writing before that she hugged and kissed a picture which she kept in the dairy.

I wonder whose pic was that and what she writes in dairy, that takes her so long that sometimes she finishes writing at 3:30 or 4: 30 am. In these days only one thing I have discovered about Mayaan & it's that she's not happy at all, she's upset and quite. As far as I have met girls they scream on each and everything which Mayaan's younger sister does but Mayaan the calm one or should I say she's SAD but why?

What's bothering & making her so upset?

I wish someday I could know the reason behind her frown face and the picture that she kisses before & after writing her dairy.

The day when my gym equipment's were being transferred , I also order for a Boxing sack and everyday I used to practice on it for couple of hours for exercise, I do my house chores like cooking, laundry, cleaning the house and shopping my from store.

I was completely cut off with my family after leaving my Fathers house cause of the marriage proposal. Sid & Tim were on their vacation's. The only outing I do everyday is jogging in freezing cold to burn my calories. Everyday I think of talking to Mayaan but I can't, my step freezes. So now all I wanted her to come out of that room in balcony and for that I prayed every single hour.

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