Chapter 9: Truth or Dare!!

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Sid's words were still echoing in my mind. May be he was right or totally wrong about Mayaan but I can't ignore the fact that yesterday that girl took care of me & all that happen only because she's captured by the unfortunate charm I have.

I called Tim to bring a bottle cause I had to choose something that would reveal Mayaan's reality to me.

We usually play truth or dare with our friends to challenge them but Mayaan was already a challenge for me so I had no option and I played the game,
I spanned the bottle;

Truth; I will tell her that I am Omair al Githaini,


Dare; I will turn myself ugly.

" Boss look what came for you ",

Tim pointed towards the bottle. I spanned the bottle but didn't looked at it cause what ever might come I felt lose is mine & as I saw the bottle, I swallowed the gulp in my throat &

" How am I going to look ugly? ".


The entire day passed and I kept on looking that Mayaan was busy at her garage sale, she looked quite happy cause everything sold out but at the end she had some frames remaining so I thought of buying them from her I changed my clothes and grabbed my wallet but remained motionless after seeing that Mayaan was laughing with a tall guy in suit, he looked pretty decent, it seemed he was in his business suit & he bought the frames.

" What was he doing there?

How he reached here?

But, Why Mayaan was enjoying his company?

Who is he?

Is he the one she talked about in the plane? ".

Mayaan didn't realised that I was standing their in backyard. I left in the hope that she might call my name but I was wrong cause she didn't called me.

I came back home, feeling down.

Tomorrow your truth will be revealed Miss Mayaan.

Enough playing with my mind cause now its your turn,

You wouldn't be able to hide your feelings,

I promise...


I waited for Mayaan's message but didn't got anything, I was ready since morning for her, I wanted her to visit me, afternoon passed & I didn't heard anything from Mayaan, I was exhausted, so I thought to go upstairs but mean while door bell rang;

Ding, dong...

It was the door and hopes were not high, I said Tim to open the door, while I was walking towards stairs for my room but I stopped cause she called me, Mayaan was at the door;

" Hey, fighter!! ".

I turned back, she looked at me with a shock , her eyes wide open, she remain speechless, I walked close to her, It looked like she almost forgot to breathe, she hardly spelled out;

" I am sorry ",

Mayaan was shocked because she saw zit all over my face, it will definitely show me ugly, well it all happen by a makeup expert, Tim arranged a makeup artist who applied this natural looking zit on my face. I choose zit cause girls hate this more than anything in the world & they prefer to stay away from it, as much as they can. So I wanted to know how Mayaan would react on it, but she surprised me again by apologising for something she didn't do;

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