Chapter 2: New Assignment

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Archer sat buckled in as the C-130 touched down. Once he knew the plane began to enter the taxiway, he unbuckled himself and situated his pack. He'd been in these planes so many times that he had lost count. Archer had slept through the 10-hour flight from Joint Base Andrews, so naturally, he was a little groggy and slightly in a daze.

The Loadmaster exited the cockpit and walked over to activate the button to drop the ramp. "Morning, mystery man."

"Yeah, mornin'," Archer said, checking his watch and rubbing the matter out of his eyes.

"Ramp down in one mike." Archer nodded and picked up his rucksack.

The minute had passed when the C-130 finally reached the tarmac. The Loadmaster pushed the button, and the ramp dropped down and touched the pavement. Archer walked down off the ramp and looked around at the base. Fog was rolling in from the west along with rain, probably. Archer's almost supernatural ability to attract rain and the fact he was in Britain doubled the chances of precipitation.

Archer nodded goodbye to the Loadmaster and headed straight to the terminal.

Once Archer got his bearings, he headed to the Team Rainbow section of the base. He wandered for a bit and gained a little attention from soldiers walking to and from their posts.

Archer wore civilian clothes on the base, but it was obvious he was an operator of some sorts, outfitted with Salomon hiking boots, well-used jeans, baseball cap, and hoodie that hid his concealed Sig pistol on his appendix. Staff troops knew it was best not to bother the high-speed guys.

Before Archer entered the reception-like building, he saw a plaque on the side of the entrance that read, "Rainbow Headquarters, founded by John T. Clark." Archer recognized that name. John Clark was a legend back in Langley and was Ding's mentor, and also was Ding's father-in-law. Archer had yet to meet the man but kind of hoped to some day.

Archer entered the building and walked up to a desk that a cute British soldier sat behind, clicking away on her computer. Behind her, the Team Rainbow seal was framed on the wall with the NATO flag and Union Jack flanking each side.

The guards eyed Archer closely. They could sense something different about him.

"Hello, US State Department liaison Drake Williams here to see the Rainbow Director." Archer said, lying. Archer had several aliases, and Ding had told him to identify himself as Williams. State Department is what every CIA Officer identifies themselves as to people outside of the Agency.

The Receptionist, Corporal Evans, looked up and immediately smiled. "Hello, Mr. Williams." She said and started typing. "One moment, please."

"Take your time," Archer said earnestly.

Evans picked up the handset on her desk and dialed a number, saying, "Hello, Director. Drake Williams is here to see you. Yes, sir. Right away, sir." She hung up and opened a drawer, pulling out a laminated card with V for visitor printed on the front.

"This will get you by until we get you a permanent ID badge. Walk down the hallway to the left and take the elevator to the third floor, then go right to the director's office. You can't miss it." She said, handing him the pass.

"Thanks." He said, clipping it to his belt and following Evans' directions. Once on the elevator, he immediately stood in the corner. 

Archer looked up and saw a hand reach around the outside and held the door open as two sweaty people boarded. One was in his mid-forties with a short brown beard and watch cap placed snuggly on his head. The obviously English man was in the middle of telling a war story, by the sounds of it, to a short brunette woman. She looked to be around Archer's age and way looked too attractive for this line of business. They both looked like they finished a morning run.

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