Chapter 10: Recovery

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Elena and the rest of her team stacked up on the door to the living room, with her hands tightly gripped around her MP5. Thatcher gave the nod to Blitz, who chucked a flash grenade into the room. "Move, move, move!" Thatcher ordered them into the room.

The gunfire only lasted for a few seconds as the terrorist dropped to the floor. The team chorused, "Clear," as the operators still scanned the room, just as they had been trained.

Upstairs, a flashbang was heard going off and people started shouting. Mira recognized one of the voices as Archer. She felt a little better knowing that he was still in. But the relief didn't last long. An explosion vibrated through the whole house. She knew exactly what the explosion was: Her mock suicide vest was designed to simulate a bomber. That had become a common occurrence in terrorist incidents, so Harry authorized the training device.

Something was different, though. The explosion had a lot more force than she designed it to give off. It was supposed to just be enough power to give you a good scare.

At that moment, comms crackled to life, "All stations, this is Team-3 Lead, the simulation is FUBAR. We have a man down." It was Ash coughing and gagging.

"Roger that Team-3 Lead," Dieter responded over the radio, "All stations on this net, simulation over. Stand down." That's when all of the terrorists that they were previously shooting at stood up. 

"What the fuck just happened?" One of the terrorists said in a thick British accent, most of the people playing bad guys in simulations were the 22nd Special Air Service Operators stationed in Hereford. 

Elena was the first out of the living room door to check the 2nd floor.  With the others behind her, she spotted several Rainbow operators weakly crawling on the floor. Thatcher crouched down beside Ash, "What happened Eliza?" She didn't respond. She instead coughed out a gray smoke like the other members of her team. Thatcher keyed his radio and ordered medics to the training area immediately.

Elena continued into the master bedroom and saw the HVT that was wearing the suicide vest coughing and stumbling out of the door. (She had designed it to wear the vest that wouldn't hurt the wearer, but just give the people nearby a good jolt of force.) 

Inside there was someone clumped up near the doorway. She rolled over the person and immediately noticed that it was the mysterious CIA Officer that gave Rainbow an exciting couple of weeks. "Archer, wake up," She shook him to no avail. Elena started panicking, "Mike! Get in here!" 

Thatcher rushed into the room and crouched down over Archer. He looked up and saw the dent in the drywall. "He got slammed into the wall, could be a concussion." Mike activated his radio, "Gustave, are you on this freq?" 

"Oui, coming up the stairs now," Doc answered, while his voice could also be heard outside the room. He entered the room and dropped his medical bag on the ground next to Archer. "It's not good," Doc inspected the American for a moment. Blood was flowing from his forehead, probably from an impact, but he was visibly still breathing, albeit faintly. "We are going to need to move him to the Med Center." 

One of the medical personnel brought in a stretcher when Gustave snapped his fingers. Elena closely followed the medics while they passed a drowsy Glaz, who was standing in the main entrance, holding his HK417 in a cradle carry position. He quickly had a shock of adrenaline when he saw his newly made friend being carried past him by medics. "What happened?" Elena didn't answer him, she had tunnel vision trying to follow them down the walkway. While they loaded Archer into the humvee, Elena stopped Gustave.

"Is he going to be okay?" She asked frantically. 

Gustave got into the humvee's passenger side and spoke through the window, "I can't say right now, Elena. Take the truck with LaFleur back to base." He motioned to the humvee parked behind them, "Harry is pissed." 

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