Chapter 5: Desert Shield

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(Writer Note: Sorry for not updating in a while. I hit a writer's block and was looking for inspiration. I hope you understand. This chapter contains the group "Cold Harbor" from the comic series "Black Powder Red Earth". I don't own the comic series, I will be just using the name "Cold Harbor". They are the same group as the comic series, but I will use different characters. Thank you for the views and please enjoy the next chapter.)

It was 6 o'clock in the morning as the Rainbow operatives piled into the briefing room. Archer took a seat next to Thatcher and sipped on his morning cup of coffee. "Morning, lad." Mike grinned, probably being sarcastic. That's what Archer noticed about him: He likes to mess with you.

"Right back at you," Archer responded as he placed the foam cup on the ledge in front of him.

Harry and Dieter stood at the front of the room and Harry activated the projector behind him through a tablet. "Good morning everyone. We have a few things to go over, so pay attention." Harry said as he swiped on the tablet and the image on the projector changed to a UAV picture of the Turkish SRF airfield. "Last night, Archer and his team secured one of three containers of the nerve gas. But we now have reason to believe that a Russian SVR operative is now in play with the SRF."

Harry paced the stage and changed the slide to a dossier of a brunette man in his early 30s. It was a younger version of the spy, without the nasty scar. "This is code-name 'Caiaphas'. He and Archer have crossed paths before, but he was thought to be dead three years ago." Harry paused as Archer stood up.

"Caiaphas also has a large scar on the left side of his face from a knife. You can ID him from that." Archer announced as he sat back down.

"Alright. As you heard, you can ID him from a scar." Harry repeated and changed the slide to a map of a small Middle-Eastern town. "This is the village of 'Al Nabk' in Syria. That was where Limonov was taking the gas. We know this from an informant that has contacted us." Harry tapped on the tablet and the Rainbow logo appeared on the screen, "Archer, tell us the plan."

Archer stood up and walked down to where Harry was briefing the group. "The Syrian government has hired the PMC Cold Harbor to weed out terror cells." Archer sipped on his coffee and Harry changed the slide to a satellite picture of the target building "Cold Harbor agreed to secure the area, while we go in to grab the informant. After, we'll take him back here for questioning." Archer finished his coffee and threw the cup in a trash can. "Any questions?"

"How can we trust this 'Cold Harbor'?" Gustave said after clicking his pen, "I mean these guys work for a paycheck, you pay them enough, they could sell us out."

"I served with one of the Assault Troop leaders. I trust this guy more than my own gut." Archer informed, "We will arrive in Damascus tomorrow. From there we will form up with Assault Troop Spur, a team of seven ex-US Special Forces contractors. We'll go into more detail once we're on the ground. Alpha 1 and Charlie 2, get prepped and ready to rock. Don't worry about uniforms, Cold Harbor ATs(Assault Troops) don't use issued uniforms, we don't want to stick out from them."

"That's it?" Harry questioned the room with no response, "Alpha 1 and Charlie 2, get ready to move. The plane leaves at 9 pm. Dismissed." Harry concluded the briefing and the operators went about their business.


After the long flight, the Rainbow operatives finally made it to Damascus. Archer looked across at the dusty runway that was littered with remains of abandoned airliner planes. The Terminal on the other side of the runway was defaced with bullet holes and impact from rockets. Outside of the Terminal was a group of Syrian soldiers lazing about on top of beat-up Nissan pickup trucks. But there were three well-kept black custom Toyota Heilux's sitting idle. It was them.

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