Chapter 17: High Risk Assault

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Archer didn't know what to think when he saw the news headline, "BREAKING: INTERNATIONAL POLICE TASK FORCE TAKEN HOSTAGE". Archer had seen plenty of missions being royally screwed, but this was one for the records.

"What happened in there?" Archer asked, turning from the TV screen to Harry, who was staring mindlessly at the wall. Almost everyone was operating on zero sleep. Even Timur was drifting off while leaning against a wall.

"Glaz said they got surrounded... there was nothing they could do," Harry took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, and motioned to Timur, who was immediately brought back to reality.

"That goes against literally everything they teach us. There has to be some other reason." Archer sighed and looked around the room. The only people present in the nightclub were Rainbow's Team-3, Team-4, Madrid Police Officers filtering in and out, and Spanish G.E.O. officers(Mira's former unit).

Archer's eyes widened when he thought of Elena, "Who all was on Team-1 and 2?"

Dieter, whose groggy face glowed from the computer screen in front of him, answered, "Team-1 was Thatcher,  Mira-."

"Goddammit," Archer cut him off before he could finish listing the operators, "Okay... alright, what's the game plan? What do we know?"

"Well, they have given no demands, they are killing hostages at random, and they aren't disguised, which is odd," Glaz informed as Archer nodded.

"Can we run a facial scan? Like on some criminal database?" Archer asked.

"Yes. I got some excellent pictures from the roof. Dieter's running scans now." Glaz answered as the group turned to Dieter.

"Nothing come up for a criminal record. They're very upstanding citizens. But I did get a name on the head honcho: Carlos Levitsky, Russo-Spaniard, 22. A Harvard grad. After graduating he dropped off the grid for 4 years, just returning to civilization this week."

Before Archer could absorb the information, their attention was suddenly drawn to the radio on Timur's belt activating, "Hello? I know you're listening, Rainbow."

Timur grabbed his radio and responded, "Who is this? How did you get his frequency?"

"From one of your friends. The pretty one with... very captivating eyes. She isn't going to need it right now." The voice taunted, making Archer's stomach drop. Elena was the only female on the team.

Archer snatched the radio from Timur's grasp and growled, "What've you done to her?!"

The voice responded with a snicker, "Nothing... yet. It is getting quite dull here. Your comrades surrendered without much of a fight. Shame. I wanted some fun. Maybe she could provide me with some entertainment." 

"Don't you fucking touch her."

Only another chuckle was heard, "I'm now going to make some demands. In return for your friends back, you will release a select few military personnel that have been imprisoned by the Russian Federation. If our demands are not met, then let's just say, your friends won't be very helpful in dismantling our army."

Something ticked in Archer's mind, "You're with the SRF."

"Correct. I will contact your commanding officer on this radio in exactly one hour to negotiate specifics. Adios, Archer.

Archer had to do something. The itch started. The unbearable feeling of rage and hatred took the reigns of his mind. Adrenaline rushed into his veins. Archer rushed downstairs where Rainbow had set up their mobile armory. Glaz rushed to keep up with him.

"Archer, wait!" Glaz grabbed him by the arm.

Archer tugged his arm away and in blind anger, shoved Glaz against the wall. "Get off me!"

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