Chapter 13: Tidal Troubles

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Harry sat at a conference table with the other Rainbow Team Leaders. He looked around the table as the others failed to meet his gaze. Almost none of them had regulation haircuts, which was very lenient to blend in with the civilian populace. Other things were also getting out of hand. Aurelia, the Six before Harry, had cut Physical Training and made it optional. Harry guessed she thought that they would train on their own. Some did, but not all.

To combat the lack of discipline, Harry asked the legendary Fourth Echelon agent, Sam Fisher, to whip them into shape. "So... nobody here can meet PT standards?" Nobody responded. "Jesus. Harry, what kind of joint are you running here?"

Sam continued, "I at least thought the SAS would be on par, but shit." He got up and paced the room. Ding was standing in the corner, grinning. He always liked to see people receive discipline. It helped them grow as a person. Just like him.

"I am aware there is a mission underway in South America. So once they are back, you will meet the PT standard of Rainbow in 2000. Ding here knows how it was done back then." Sam nodded to Ding, who gave him a two-finger salute back. "Go tell your teams the news, a new era has dawned."

The leaders gradually filed out as Ding approached Sam. "Felt like just the other day when I was in their spot. But we kicked ass back then."

Sam smiled, "Too true. By the way, why the hell are there Ruskies here? NATO and Russia aren't good pals."

"It's a long story. Most of them seem trustworthy. Archer's watching his back."

"Speaking of the kid, how's he doing?" Sam asked. He was Archer's mentor at 'The Farm' AKA Camp Peary, a CIA Training Facility in Virginia.

"Not good. He can't forget DESERT RHINO. Just the other day he seized up on a plane ride back from Syria, not to mention being blown up in a training accident."

"PTSD. Damn. He's too young," Sam shook his head.

"It's indiscriminate." Ding leaned against a table as Sam pressed more questions.

"Where is he now?"

"Venezuela. Joint Black Op with Rainbow."

Sam nodded, "I've been briefed on BROKEN ARROW. SRF causing trouble. I should have seen it coming sooner."

"What does Fourth Echelon have on them?"

"Leader is a former Soviet General. He deserted the Red Army after the Berlin Wall fell and started his own terror group that is so secretive that they make the Shadow Government look like a boys-only treehouse hangout. They allegedly are funded by Silicon Valley, American billionaires with too much free time. Stole American-made VX gas and is now on the CIA's Hit-list. Am I caught up?"

"Sounds like it. You have any agents on them?"

"Negative. Archer looks to be the first government official on their tail. Hell, even I haven't heard of them until a month ago."

"Well," Ding started as he scooped a stack of paperwork, "Archer will be back tomorrow at best. You two can share intel as soon as he gets here, anything can be useful, but watch your back. Rainbow could have a leak."

"Tell me about it. You'd think a multinational NATO anti-terrorism unit would have fewer leaks than the Iraqi Navy."

"Straight up, homes," Ding left the meeting room with his papers and coffee in hand, he also left Sam slightly confused by the last part.


Archer leaned against the bar and looked at the Caribbean waves crash against the beach. Raul's bar was the only decent-looking joint in town. The bar was fairly open with a great view of the ocean. The kids outside played in a pot-hole full of water. If this nation wasn't in a state of emergency then it would be a great place to take a vacation. Archer downed a shot of tequila and looked forward.

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