Chapter 21: Armageddon

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Archer couldn't grasp being in a conference meeting with the man that had burned on his mind for years, the man who sent him on a downward spiral. A deceiver, the Devil sat across the table from Archer.

Caiaphas explained to BROKEN ARROW's overseers that he cut all ties from his government to infiltrate the Soviet Reunification Front. He also wanted to make clear he tried his best not to harm any Rainbow personnel during his cover.

"So what information do you got for us?" Ding asked while standing with his arms crossed.

"I have the verifiable location of the SRF Headquarters and the layout to this installation," Caiaphas said as Archer took out his pack of Marlboro Reds and lit it with his zippo lighter. The lighter was old and well used. It had the vintage logo of SEAL Team 6 painted on the side. The emblem faded a good amount since Archer was gifted it.

"There's no smoking in here." Michelle Hudson said to Archer with a grimace. Archer lit the cigarette and inhaled a long drag of smoke and held it in, holding eye contact with Hudson the entire time.

"I've got diplomatic immunity," Archer glared back, "Why do you go back to Langley, Hudson, don't you have a democracy to overthrow somewhere?"

"Asshole," Michelle whispered to herself. Then re-engaging in the meeting.

"Can we continue?" Harry asked, annoyed.

Caiaphas informed Rainbow that the SRF Headquarters was located on the private island of Cayo Herra in the Bahamas, bought by an unknown elite from the United States and given to the SRF. The SRF was rumored of having funding from America's elite pushing a similar agenda. It seemed like a crazy conspiracy theory to Archer, but his entire career was a conspiracy, so why the hell not?

The base was only detectable to spy satellites, being nonexistent on Google Maps and Apple Earth. It was confirmed by several analysts in the intelligence community that it was in the 87 percentile likelihood that it could be the base, and 34 percent likely the warhead was there, the only source being Caiaphas's knowledge. It was still a hot target, but the warhead being there was unlikely due to the distance from Lviv.

Ding relayed this information to President Jack Ryan and was able to form an emergency task force to respond to the Cayo Herra. The Navy's Fourth Fleet, US Marines, Team Rainbow, and CIA were to be assembled to eliminate the SRF leadership, apprehend the warhead, and finish this operation once and for all.

The mission was set to begin in two days and Caiaphas was made a temporary operator of the Studies and Observations Group.


The Den was a buzz since Caiaphas started working on BROKEN ARROW. Most of Rainbow's Alpha Platoon and some of Bravo were present when Archer walked in, a half-spent cigarette still between his lips. They started asking multiple questions, so Archer got everyone caught up. Once Archer finally explained everything and everyone went back to their business, Glaz approached him.

Archer's head started to split with pain when he exhaled a drag.

"Are you doing alright? You look a little pale." Glaz asked, a concerned look on his face.

Archer suddenly felt the need to sit down, but his legs buckled and he fell to the hardwood floor, the cigarette falling from his mouth. Archer let out a hair-raising yell. It felt like a jaguar clinching its powerful jaws down on his head. All he could see was a bright flashing light. It was the worst attack he had yet.

He relived the entire events of Operation Desert Rhino before he awoke to him laying on the Billard table and everyone standing around him. "What happened?" Archer asked, trying to remember anything that had happened that day.

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