Chapter 8: Brass on the Streets

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Archer could feel his arm pulsate with every heartbeat. The Loadmaster tore the blood pressure monitor off of Archer's arm and packed the machine back up. "Well, your heart rate is normal. I can't explain how, considering you just had a seizure." Archer just rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Eh, he'll be fine. Just keep an eye on him." 

Archer rubbed his bicep from where the machine squeezed him. The Loadmaster packed the Blood Pressure Monitor into the medical pouch that hung off the wall and walked into the cockpit.

Archer looked out of the small circular window at the clouds below. Sensing someone sitting next to him, Archer turned around to see it was Elena. "This is about what you told me at the bar, isn't it?" She asked as he tried to ignore her.  "Something is eating at you." 

"Elena, please... Stop." Archer turned to look at her. Elena could see the pain in his eyes before he looked back out the window. 

Then the Loadmaster poked his head out the cockpit door, "Archer, there's a transmission for you." Archer shot Elena a look and walked into the cockpit with the rest of the crew. 

"Archer here." He spoke into the headset.

"It's Six. Good job on the extraction."

"No casualties, except an injured Timur, but he'll be fine."

"Good to hear," Harry paused, "There's been a change of plans."


"There was an accident on the runway this morning. The wreckage will take a while to clean up."


"Your landing point is being changed to London. You'll extract the HVT by unmarked vehicles. SCO19 and the Metropolitan Police will support you all the way back to Hereford. They will provide you with firearms and equipment, copy?"


"I heard about your episode. Gustave will check you out when you get back." 

"Copy, Archer out." 

Archer handed the headset back to the Loadmaster and moved back into the troop bay. "Yo!" The operators turned to look at him, "We're not out of this yet. There's been an accident on the runway this morning. We'll be extracting Abdul from the ground." The operators sighed and went back to talking with each other.


It was around 12:30 am when the Hercules C-130 finally touched down. The runway was covered with black unmarked SUVs with several police officers surrounding them. As Archer stepped off the ramp, he was approached by a CTSFO officer, "Rainbow, I presume?" She asked, with him nodding. "You can grab some equipment by that van over there. The radio frequency is 75.6 and your callsign is Rainbow-1, clear?" The officer pointed to an unmarked van and Archer nodded.

"Who are you?" Archer asked. 

"Sergeant Kim Dyson, callsign 'Red-1" Sergeant Dyson answered and walked back to speak with the other CTSFOs. 

Archer walked over to the van and saw the rest of his team kitting up. He stepped into the van and slipped on an AC1 plate carrier.

 He stepped into the van and slipped on an AC1 plate carrier

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