Chapter 16: Internal Affairs

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Carlos Levitsky exited his car with his comrades, all dressed in three-piece suits. The choice of clothing wasn't ideal for summer in Madrid, but it didn't matter, once they were inside there was no leaving. At least they would go out in style. 

Their target building was the Russian Embassy. Carlos didn't like conducting an assault on comrades, but his nation needs to be awoken, or at least that's what he believes. The four-man assault team would enter once the scouts sent a text that the metal detectors were offline, which they had. The AKs in their suitcases would surely trip off the alarms before their desired time to strike. 

Carlos's heart was racing, contrary to his demeanor. He hadn't seen real combat before. Being trained by SRF instructors eased his panic slightly, as was the rest of the men. Naturally, they were all scared, despite their conditioning of dying without question. For the Motherland, They all thought as they stepped foot into the small piece of Russian territory plotted in the middle of Spain.

The inside was forgivingly air-conditioned, but the cool air didn't do much to stop the immense sweating. Carlos hoped they didn't look suspicious. Maybe they could write it off as the 30-degree Celsius heat outside. 

The four men finally reached the four individual metal detectors and placed their bags on a conveyor belt. The virus that SRF techies planted into the Embassy network should disable the metal detectors for just enough time for the assault team to enter and set up.

Carlos crossed his fingers as the bag went across and into the scanner. Without a hitch, the bags didn't set off the ringer. Neither did the others' bags. Everything was going according to plan. 

The security guard that scanned Carlos noticed his sweating. The officer was in his 40s, probably knew his stuff. He began to ask, "What is the reason for your visit?" 

Carlos had practiced his answer the entire car ride there, "Visiting parents in Moscow. They are very sick."

The guard didn't nod or shake his head but observed the half Russian half Spaniard, "Go."

Carlos gave a smile and continued with his comrades. They were in the clear. 

"Wait! Stop!" Carlos's heart sank as the guard and his fellow officers came running towards them. Their Grach handguns were drawn. Something had gone wrong. "Drop the suitcase! All of you!"

The civilians scattered from the area as the six security guards yelled commands. Carlos nodded for his men to comply, so they did. They were burned. Carlos knew the contingency for when this happened. 

At the speed of light, Carlos drew a Makarov from his concealed holster in unison with his comrades. All six guards were dropped in a fraction of a second, headshots. Their training had paid off. 

The plan was now changed to Scenario 7, the twelve other scouts in the building would breach the Embassy armory to arm themselves, making a sizeable force to lock down the building and secure the Ambassador.

The twisted game was just starting.


The Russo-Ukraine scuffle is one Archer never thought too much of, despite it's obvious importance. He knew the basics: Russian 'Little Green Men' and Russian-backed Rebels vs. the Ukrainian Governmet. European civil war? Just a regular Tuesday. 

In America, people tend to think any conflict could cause WW3. The Korean War, Berlin Crisis, Cuban Missile Crisis, hell, even nowadays with the 2017 North Korea crisis, 2019 Persian Gulf crisis are good examples of WW3 scares, in the US at least.

In Archer's opinion, the Cold War never ended. The world has always been fucked up after World War II. "Nothing is new under the sun."

The CIA's tinkering in this particular conflict was above Archer's pay-grade. He regularly heard rumors from analysts and other personnel that the Director of the CIA was running chemical facilities in the slavic nation, presumably from a deal with a corrupt Ukrianian official. 

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