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Louis Tomlinson sat quietly in his sky colored car. The windows were covered in mist, and the heat was on full-blast. He did not know how long he had been waiting in his car, nor did he know just how much longer he was expected to wait. He could see his breath, in the cold weather, and he decided to call his mother whom he was patiently waiting for.

He rung.

"Yes, hello darling, I'll be out in just a moment." His mother answered quickly, and before Louis could respond, she hung up again.

Louis sighed. He was supposed to be meeting his boyfriend, Harry, at the park in just a few minutes. Not that it was really a good idea, considering it was so cold out that night. But Harry never seemed to mind the weather. He never seemed to mind anything at all, really. All the stares he and Louis got, all the disgusted noises people made as they walked down the street holding hands. Harry never seemed to mind nor did he even really notice.

Louis glanced out the window and spotted his mother Jay, bustling towards the car. She opened the door and plopped in her seat. "Sorry, I took so long, the poor man at the front desk didn't know when to stop talking. It was quite sad, actually." She laughed quietly.

Louis joined in and started up the engine and pulled off toward his own home.

"It's alright, mum. I'm just meeting Harry at the park, is all." Louis smiled at his mother.

"That sounds lovely, dear. But goodness, it's freezing out there!" Jay rubbed her hands together and blew on them, as if proving her point.

"I know, but you know Harry, he's so care-free. Nothing will bother him."

Jay smiled at her son. She honestly didn't understand the connection her son had with Harry. It was really unbelievable. She had never seen someone love another human being as much as Louis loved Harry, and vice versa. After they had starting going out the previous year, they were practically attached at the hip.

Harry was just what Louis needed to become the person he is slowly growing into.

As Louis pulled up the their house, Jay slipped her gloves back on and said, "Goodbye, darling. Have a great time with Harry. Give him my best."

Louis leaned in and kissed his mother on the cheek. Once she was in the house, he pulled out of the drive and slowly headed to the park. He glanced at the clock on the dashboard and saw he was supposed to be at the park around ten minutes ago. He grumbled to himself and pulled out his cell phone. He rang Harry, but there was no answer.

How odd, Louis thought. Harry always picks up.

Louis shrugged it off as he pulled into a parking space. Harry was probably already waiting at their bench, bundled up all cute in his jacket and scarf. His nose and cheeks red from the cold. Louis smiled at the image of his boyfriend waiting for him.

His smiled soon disappeared when he approached their bench, and Harry was no where in sight. Louis cocked his head and looked around the park. He took out his phone and quickly dialed Harry once more, but it went straight to voicemail.

Something's wrong, he thought.

Louis then called Harry's mother, Anne. "Hello, Louis? Is something wrong?"

"Has Harry left for the park yet?"

"Why, honey. He left a half hour ago. He wanted to get there early."

"He isn't here."

Anne replied, but Louis wasn't listening. His eyes wondered over to two dark figures emerging from an alley between a deli and a laundry mat. The two figures carried what seemed like an awfully large bag, and then tossed the bag into the back of a pick up. Something flew out of the bag. The two men didn't seem to notice, and climbed into the truck and sped off.

Without warning Anne, Louis hung up his phone. He briskly walked over to  where the truck had once been, and looked down at the pavement to see what had fallen from the peculiar bag.

What he found, though, he certainly wasn't ready for. He looked down to see a glove. A simple turqoise glove.

Harry's glove.

It had to be. Harry only had one pair of gloves, that Louis practically forced upon him. They were that turqoise blue. Both gloves had a small hole by the thumb, Harry's hands being to large to properly fit inside.

Louis picked up the glove, his hands shaking purfusely. There was a hole by the thumb.

"Oh," Louis held in the sob sitting on his throat. He dialed the police.

The police came a short while later, asking numerous quesions, all of which Louis was unable to answer. Jay and Anne had shown up, Anne sobbing into a police officer's arm, and Jay holding her son and whispering into his ear.

Louis looked to the frigid, somber sky. The sun was covered by a veil of dusky clouds.

Harry, Louis thought, come home.


There you have it, the prologue! I'm not even sure if I'm spelling that right...whatever. I promise the story will get tons better. The first chapter is already written, but won't be uploaded until Gone is finished. If you have any ideas, comments, or anything, just lemme know down in the crotch!

Look at my cover by @niampains. Roll around in the happy goo that's exploding from my eyeballs.

Chapter One: I'm Trying

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