Be My Escape

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My breath hitched as my mum swung open the door. I couldn't see inside yet, but I knew what was coming.

I didn't want to go in the room. I didn't want to see what was inside. I didn't want to, I didn't want to, I didn't want to. But I had to.

I started to pull at the too-tight wrist band of the private ward again looked at my mum. "Can you go in first? Just make sure all of this is okay..."

My mum nodded and slipped into the room.

I put my hands over my face and shrunk to the floor. "God, Niall. I can't do this."

I felt my brother sink down next to me. "Yes, you can. Harry loves you, there's no doubt in that."

"But, Niall, my fucking mysterious twin brother kidnapped him and raped him...and oh, jeesh. I can't. Not now, I need more time."

"Listen, Lou. You don't have to do anything, but I'm sure Harry is there, having the same crisis as you. But I know he wants to see you as badly as you want to see him."

I pulled my hands off of my face and placed them on my knees. "Niall, I don't think I'm okay anymore. I've been forgetting things. One second I'll be in my room and the next I'll be in the kitchen. I think I really do need proffesional help."

"You've only been like that because Harry being gone just shocked you. Once everything goes back to normal you'll-"

"'Goes back to normal'? Niall, things won't ever go back to normal. What is normal, anyway?"

Things could never be normal. Harry wasn't going to ever be normal again, neither was I.

My mum poked her head out of the room, spotted Niall and I, and got on her knees beside me. "He wants to see you, Louis."

I held in all the tears that were threatening to spill out. "A-are you sure?"

She smiled and grabbed my hand. "Yes, honey. But, just be quiet, he gets bad head aches a lot, and yourself, okay? He said he wanted to see you, and now he's in there waiting for you."

"You can do this, Lou." Niall beamed at me, and stood up with my mum, pulling me to my feet.

I sniffed and ran my hands through my hair, which I knew was a mess. I hadn't taken a shower in awhile. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and noded at my mum. She rubbed her thumb on my hand and slowly pulled me after her into Harry's room.

The first thing I saw when we entered, was Anne's hunched figure over the bed. She was standing up, look down at the person in the bed. The TV was on in one corner, playing some old cartoon, and the curtains were closed, casting a dark glint to the already depressing room.

Anne turned, still blocking Harry from my view. She smiled at me and I gave her a wan smile back.

She turned again back to Harry and whispered something, then she moved to the side.

Harry lay there, looking smaller and more fragile than I ever remember him. His hair was various different browns, probably from all the dye. But his hair was trimmed shorter than it used to be, and a lot of the curl was gone. His face was scrubbed clean, and he had a long scar that went across his left eye and eye brow. His eyes were piercing right through my skull, still the same green that they always were. The green that could make him look intense and mean, when he was actually the sweetest thing. But he looked like Harry.

My eyes filled with tears, that I used every ounce of strength I could to hold back. I don't cry.

Fuck you, Louis.

I was numb again, the feeling that I was looking at Harry didn't register.

"Oh, my God," Harry murmured, looking at his mum. "They look just alike."

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