I Don't Deserve This

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"What do you mean?" I asked. Harry wasn't crazy, I just saw him a few hours ago. He was fine. He is fine. There's nothing wrong with him, I was sure of it.

My mum stood up slowly from the couch and grabbed my elbow, pulling me back up the stairs. She opened my bedroom door and dragged me inside, then lightly pushing me down onto my bed. I didn't argue, I grabbed the covers and climbed underneath them.

"Louis, you have to realize that Harry was held captive in a basement for two years. He wasn't just going to come back one hundred percent fine." My mum said gently as she brushed my hair off of my forehead.

"I know, but out of the two of us I thought it would be me who was considered crazy." I casted my eyes to my window, and looked out to the darkening sky.

My mum sighed and after a few moments of silence, she said, "It happened last night. After Niall took you home, I stayed a little after to make sure Anne was okay, to ask if Gemma was alright. Harry didn't know that Sam and Eleanor haven't been found yet. One of the nurses let it slip to him, and Harry went balistic."

"He what?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. Harry didn't lose his temper easily. Then again, this was a new Harry. A Harry I no longer knew.

"I didn't see it, but I heard it. It was...bad." My mum looked at me with a serious look in her eyes.

"So that's it then? Harry had a right to throw a fit. They can't just declare him crazy after he had a tantrum." I sat up and gave my mum a hard look.

She scratched the back of her neck. "It was more than a tantrum, Louis. They had to knock him out. They did some tests on him, and they really think he might need proffesional help."

Fuck you, Louis.

"He-I... So what happens now, then?"

"He's at Saint Mary's and there they are doing additional tests on him. We can see him in a few days."

I sighed and flopped back onto the pillows. "Can you get Niall?"

I didn't look at my mum, but I knew she nodded. She got up from my bed and hurried out of the room. A few seconds later, from the corner of my eye I saw Niall enter the room. He could tell I wasn't in a mood to talk, so he just crawled into the bed next to me.

We sat in silence for awhile and all I could hear was Niall's soft breathing and the sound of rain coming down hard onto my window. A couple of times I had tried to say something, but I couldn't find any words. Everything was happening to fast. As soon as I finally get my Harry back, he's taken away again. I didn't even really understand why he gone now, anyway. I get that he was sent to a mental ward, but I knew deep down that he wasn't crazy.

I was crazy.

I knew that I was crazy. Something was definitely wrong with me, something bad. No sane person has voices in their head like mine. No sane person forgets so many things that they can barely connect the dots anymore, not like me.  Sane people don't go by the name of Louis Tomlinson, like I do.

The room brightened as a flash of lightening lit up the sky, thunder following immediately after it. I couldn't help but think it was totally cliche, Harry sitting in a mental ward, alone in his room as the thunder strikes on the outside.

"Maybe you can write Harry another letter, to get everything off of your mind." Niall suggested gently beside me.

It made sense, didn't it? Writing to Harry helps, let me get everything out of my head before it can bounce back and torment my thoughts. Even though Harry didn't get them, it helped.

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