Give Me Attention

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"According to myth, the Gods tie an invisible red string around the little finger of two people who are destined to be soul mates. It can get twisted and knotted, but it will never be broken."


Liam Payne wasn’t the type of person who was easily angered, whether this was a highlight of his personality or a flaw of his was yet to be seen. Either way when Zayn bangs on his bedroom window at one in the morning to tell him of the events of that day, he can be forgiven for going a little berserk.

“He did what!?”

“Liam, shut up! Do you want to wake the whole house?” Zayn hissed.
“Zayn are you seriously telling me that Samuel turned up to Louis’ house, with Harry. And Louis went with him!?” I was beyond angry, I was furious. While at the same time I really couldn’t blame Louis. I could still remember how much Louis loved the younger boy. Harry was his world. I couldn’t even bring myself to imagine what that love felt like. Everyone always thought of me as the noble and honourable one, but really it was Louis and this just proved it.
“Come on Li, I’m going to find them and I need your help. You have always been the smart one. Please Liam.” Looking at Zayn’s eyes it was hard to say ‘no’. This was just too much. I shook my head “No. No Zayn, I am not helping you.”
“Why not?”
“Because that is a job for the police! I wasn’t going to help when it was just Harry, no matter how much I miss him, no matter how much either you or Louis were going to beg. Now that both of them have been taken it’s still not going to convince me!” I really didn’t want to sound like some heartless arse, the truth was I really did want to help, I wanted both of them back as much as Zayn did. There was a part of me that was just screaming to say I’d would help Zayn, but that part of me that was bigger and more rational was saying no.
“What? Are you just gonna let that asshole kill them and sit here and do nothing to help them?” I could hear the cold viciousness that had taken over Zayn in recent years creep into his tone. That was the thing with Zayn, I had noted, no matter how hurt and angry at the world Zayn was, he never let that anger taint his interactions with Louis or myself. Zayn’s temper was something that had always been scary, and I had never been on the receiving end of it and I didn’t really care to start a trend now.
“No! Of course not Zayn, but what do you expect us to be able to do? We are just two kids, how are we meant to find them? Besides how do you even know all of this!?” It had been bothering me, Zayn seemed to know things about this that being told later he shouldn’t have known, it made me uneasy.
“We have to at least try Liam. I can’t just sit here and let them go! I can’t let someone else get taken out of my life, I just can’t Liam, don’t you get it? everyone has been taken from me. You and Louis are basically all I have left. I can’t sit here and let Samuel take them! And I know because I went over to ask Louis something and Anna, the lawyer told me. I know she wasn’t telling me everything. I need to find them Li, I need to.” My eyes followed Zayn as he paced, his strides reflecting the frustration and distress of his words. The distress was what got to me in the end. As afraid as I was, I couldn’t stand to see my friend in this state. If this was what Zayn felt like I couldn’t imagine how Lou and Harry felt.

I sighed. “Fine, what do we do?” no turning back now I thought.

Zayn smiled at me, his eyes and face lighting up, “Well we have a bit of help to find them.”

There was a glint in his eyes that told me I would regret agreeing to this.


Edward’s POV (Harry's dad)

“Fuck!” I slammed my hand down onto the police car as Samuel sped off down the street with Harry and Louis.

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