Like A Knife

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"You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I will always love you, that's where I'll be waiting." -Peter Pan


The phone call with Harry ended in a rush of Harry whimpering, and Samuel roaring. We had beenoutside when I got the call. We were surrounded by police asking questions and apologizing staff members of Saint Mary's.

It was Niall's caller ID, and when Harry's voice was on the other line, I knew something bad happened to Niall. I couldn't think straight.

Police officers had gathered around me as I put my phone on speaker. They had plugged something into my phone that led back to their car and they were tracing the phone call.

As the phone call ended with Harry's cries, a police officer yelled, "I got a signal! It's coming from fifteen miles away!"

Two other officers piled into the car and it took off screeching it's sirens onto the road.

My mum and Anne took off running towards their car with me trailing from behind. We all got into the car and my mum drove over the speed limit to keep up with the police car. I tried calling back on Niall's phone, but it went straight to voicemail.

I couldn't help myself, I was sobbing, almost hysterically, in the back seat.

Fuck you, Louis.

"Stop crying, Louis. It's not your fault," My mum said from the front seat.

"Of course it's my fault, everything is my fault." I said, sniffing.

"No, Louis." Anne turned around to look at me. "None of this is even close to your fault, I can promise you that."

I nodded stiffly and looked out the window. Another cop car zoomed past us and kept up with the one in front.

All of a sudden, a cop car pulled off to the side of the road, and I noticed a body. And a familiar head of blonde hair.

"Mum. Mum, stop." I leaned forward and pointed to the side of the road.

My mum follwoed my finger and a sob left her mouth. "No, no, no, no." She chanted over and over as she slowly pulled the car over a few lanes then behind the cop car.

I hopped out first and raced over. I peered down at the body.

The dead, lifeless body.

The cold, limp body.

The body of my brother.

I fell to my knees and sobbed out loud. "Niall?"

Fuck you, Louis.

I continued to cry as I pulled Niall's body onto my lap and stroked his hair. My mum collapsed next to me and sobbed into my shoulder. Anne stood off a little, crying on the phone.

Niall's dead.

My fault.

Harry's next.

My fault.

My body was numb. I wasn't registering. Niall was dead.

Niall. Was. Dead.

A few seconds later an ambulance screeched to a stop next to us. There was no point though, Niall was gone. Completely gone.

Anne came up beside us and rubbed my mum's back. "The girls are okay." She whispered in my mum's ear.

"Niall." I sobbed again.

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