Waste My Time With You

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Harry and Eleanor had been driving for what seemed like hours. Harry easily drifted in and out of consciousness. Eleanor hadn't spoken to him again, hand gripping the steering wheel and eyes trained on the road in front of her.

It was a small space in the back seat, so Harry tried to spread his entire body out onto the backseat. His neck and back were sore from lying in an awkward position. His wrists were turning red with blisters from being tied to the bed. His ankle was bleeding from the zip tie.

He couldn't fight the small whimper that escaped his mouth as more blood trickled from his ankle.

"We're almost there." Eleanor said to him, almost looking sympathetic. Almost.

Harry slowly sat up, watching Eleanor just in case she got mad at him for being visible in the window. She glanced at him, but didn't say anything. Harry sighed and rubbed the raw flesh around his wrists.

"This sucks." Harry said, mostly to himself.

"I know." Was Eleanor's response.

"I miss my family."

"Me too."

Apparently Harry was in the mood to talk. Harry had always been a talker. When he was upset, he liked to talk about it. Harry sighed again.

"What does Samuel have over you?" Harry asked.

Eleanor shook her head, "He doesn't have anything against me."

"Then why are you doing this? I don't understand. I just want to understand." Harry sat forward slightly, trying to read Eleanor's expression.

"You're just a kid, Harry." Eleanor said, mouth and eyes tight.

Harry frowned and sat back. "If I"m just a kid, why did you sit back and watch me get raped a billion times? Kids shouldn't get raped. Kids shouldn't have to go through that. But I did, because of you. I deserve to know why all of a sudden you're trying to help me."

Eleanor got off the freeway exit and ran a shaky hand through her hair. "I'm in love with him," she said quietly. "You wouldn't understand."

Harry nodded. "I would." he looked at his hands sadly. "I know what's it's like to be in love. To know that you would do anything for someone, even if it was the last thing you ever wanted to do."

Eleanor nodded. "That's exactly how it feels." A couple tears ran down her cheeks. "I knew he was leading me on the entire time, but I just...I love him." She frantically wiped the tears.

"It's a tough situation." He thought of all the times Louis got on his nerves being his annoying self, how many times Louis would take Harry places he didn't want to go, how Louis could be such a jerk, how he would flirt with other girls. But Harry was in love with him, to the point where none of that even mattered. Harry knew he would do anything for Louis, and if he were in Eleanor's position, he probably wouldn't have done anything different.

Eleanor gave a humorless laugh. "You're right; this really does suck."

Harry nodded and gazed out the window. They were driving inbetween a dense forrest, and nobody was on the road besides them. The sun was slowly setting and Friday was slowly turning into Saturday.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked.

"My friend owns a warehouse in the middle of the woods. Mostly used to keep weed and stuff, but he said we could stay there." Eleanor looked to make sure no one was coming, and she turned onto a dirt road that led into the forrest.

Harry gulped and stayed quiet. He ws still jumpy around Eleanor, still uneasy. Sure, Eleanor was helping him, but it didn't erase everything she had done to him in the first place. Harry couldn't help but wonder if this was all a haux. A sick joke.

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