Look What You've Done

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Jay was sitting on her plush couch, drinking a cup of tea; no sugar, no honey. Just the way she liked it. The girls were all tucked in bed, it being still early morning, and Louis and Niall were still at the hospital. The dishes were washed, the tables were wiped, and the floor was swept. She intended to enjoy the few hours she had alone, for it didn't happen often.

She sighed contently and when the phone rang, she smiled to herself, and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" She asked.


Jay put her tea down on the coffee table. "Anne?"

"Jay. Turn it to channel three."

Jay hadn't spoke with Anne in some time. After the kidnapping, Jat had tried to keep in contact with Anne, but Annd mostly wanted to be left alone.

Jay didn't hesitate, she snatched up the remote and punch in the number. Harry's young face was on the screen, and Ryan Bates, an old, chirpy man who usually did the morning news, was talking about him.

"After the break, the incredible news on the finding of Harry Styles," Ryan Bates said, then the television flickered to an add about a new toothpaste, recommended by every dentist in the UK.

Jay's eyes filled with tears and she put a hand to her mouth. "Is he okay?" she whispered.

Anna let out a sob on the other end. "Yes, he's alive. He's okay. He's asleep right now."

Jay let out a shaky breath she didn't know she was holding. "Oh my goodnes, Lou is going to be so happy. He's-"

"Jay, listen to me. I think we need to have a talk."

"A talk?"

"I know who kidnapped Harry, and I think you need to know."

"When and where?"

"The hospital, room 482. As soon as you can come."

Jay found herself then, agreeing to come, then calling up Mrs. Mason who lived next door to come watch the girls. She grabbed her keys and rushed out, leaving her tea on the table to get cold.


Jay pulled into the hospital parking lot, and after fighting off loads of papparazzi, she made her way into the building.

"My name is Jay Tomlinson, I'm here to see Harry Styles."

The receptionist look down at a paper, flipped through a couple then said, "Yes, you're on the list. He's in 482. Also, your son is admitted to leave at three today."

Jay gave the young woman a tight smile and set off the find the private ward Harry was in. She purposely took a longer route to avoid Louis' room and the cafeteria, she didn't want to see Louis or Niall. She knew Louis didn't have a TV in his hospital room, so there was no way for him to know. If Niall knew, he would have called by now.

After several minutes, Jay found herself standing in front of 482. She rose her hand to knock, but before she could, Anne opened the door and squeezed out, then shutting it again. Jay didn't get a glance at Harry.

Anne was holding a thick folder, and she motioned to the chairs the end of the corridor.

"How are you?" Jay smiled at Anne and placed a hand of her knee.

"I'm..." Anne took a large breath, "More relieved then I ever thought I could be."

"Good, good. Now what is it we need to talk about?"

Anne's eyes went cold as she opened the folder. "Harry informed the police early this morning who kidnapped him. He was obviously hysterical, but he at least got out the names."

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