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Allysha decided to come to the company and tried her luck to get whatever job that they offered. She was dressed in a white button up shirt, a pair of black pants and a pair of Vans. It was simple but appropriate.

The modern interior design of the lobby fascinate Allysha. It had a high ceiling and a big chandelier at the middle. Sets of sofas on the carpeted area and a few small coffee stables. There was a glass door at the right end of the lobby that lead to a cafe named Sunny Side Up, where the workers usually  had breakfast and lunch, and a lift on each side of the reception across the entrance.

"Dayum, this place is huge." She muttered to herself.

She went to the receptionist and was about to speak up when the receptionist spoke up first.

"You must be Allysha Kim. We have been expecting you. Please come follow me." The female receptionist smiled and asked Allysha to follow her politely to the lift.

The female receptionist pressed the highest button on the line of number. The lift went up, there was a relaxing background music. When they reach floor seven, the receptionist knocked on the big mahogany door with metal name plate with the word 'CEO's OFFICE' carved on it and received a "Come in," from the office.

The receptionist opened the door for Allysha before excusing herself and closed the door.

Allysha looked around the spacious office room. The modern design and the colour scheme made the office looked cozy and comfortable. The office wall was dark grey at some area and white at the other, as well as the furnitures in the office. There were some plants in the office, giving it a little taste of nature in the modern office room. A big wall of windows on the left side of the boss's table and at the front.

"Please take a seat." A feminine yet stern voiced spoke, grabbing Allysha's attention towards the direction of the voice. Batrisyia was sitting behind the office desk, an unfamiliar girl and the guy from yesterday were standing behind the CEO.

Allysha sat down on one of the chairs infront of the CEO's desk, fidgeting with her fingers nervously. The stares from the three were making her anxious.

"From the information we gathered, you're currently unemployed and financially unstable. Your father is sick and you need money to pay for his medical bills. You were fired from your last job because it's on the edge of bankruptcy, right? You used to work at Scented, right?" Bat questioned her.

Her eyes widened at how much the young CEO knew about her but then, what was there to be surprised at? Batrisyia is a successful CEO and a mafia boss. Of course, with all the money she have, she can get whatever the fuck she want. Allysha wasn't complaining though. It's better if they already know her, she didn't have to introduce herself.

"Yes, I used to work there until they decided to fire me." Allysha was lowkey pissed. Her only income was that perfume shop but hey, they think that it's good to fire her because of the company was in the edge of bankruptcy. Just when she was fired, Scented was suddenly gaining a lot of attention? She is salty as fuck.

"Good thing they fired you though. If you work here, you'll be living a luxurious life and you, of course, will be able to pay for your father's medical and all." Allysha's eyes lit up at that.

Living a luxurious life? Who wouldn't want that? But it was kind of suspicious. This perfume company already have many workers. So, her income total per month would be at least around $2000 above.

What does she mean by luxurious? $2000 per month is not enough to be called luxurious...

"I know what you're thinking, Allysha. You're not gonna work here only." Bat's statement made Allysha confused.

"Where else?" She asked, anticipated.

"Dark place. You're gonna have your hands dirty though." Bat smirked and Allysha gasped at that.

She knew what Bat meant by that. She would definitely join them. Not only Allysha can steal without people knowing, she was also capable of hacking. She used to do drugs in secondary school, even selling them to other students without getting caught. In other words, Allysha is twinkle-toed.

Due to her living in a poor condition, she learned a lot to survive. She learned to steal just for a spoonful of rice. She has been doing this for years. So, no wrong she was very good at doing this and

"Fine, I join you." Allysha smirked and so did Bat.

"Welcome to the Simp Enterprise and The Royal." Bat said as they were shaking hands.

"Y-you're the boss of Royal?" Allysha stuttered, eyes wide opened.

"Yeah. Since you've worked at Scented. You are very suitable for this job." Bat said and proceeded to explain about the situation they were facing at the moment.

Allysha nodded in understatement and agreed to everything the young boss said as it was an easy task for her.

Allysha signed the contract and with that, the boss dismissed them. Adri was assigned to give Allysha a tour around the building and basically, getting to know each other.

They were finally at the sixth floor, walking around as Adri showed who's office was which. They arrived at Aainaa's office and went inside without knocking.

"What the fuck did I say about knocking before you come in?! Geez, bro!" Aainaa yelled, startled when Adri burst opened the door.

Adri laughed at that and said, "Damn, unnaei! Relax!"

"I was working peacefully when you barged in, you idiot." Aainaa sighed, leaning on her swivel chair.

"Anyway, this is the new member, Allysha Kim. She'll be under you, guide her and teach her all the necessary stuffs. Aight, I'm out." Adri simply said before closing the door behind her, leaving Aainaa speechless.

What the fuck?! I haven't finished doing my T&T coursework and I'm already given another task?

saya kenyang

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