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Bas was sitting down on the ground as she was examining the wound on her right arm with Dan sitting next to her. The wound was severed. She could not move her arm without hissing in pain.

"Fuck! It hurts so bad!" She thought as she gritted her teeth.

She took off her jacket and trued to wrap it around the wound. Rindou suddenly arrived next to her with a first aid kit. Bas was surprised.

"Damn, what are you now? A red crescent or some?" She teasingly said to her.

"I'm tryna help you here. The least you could do is thank me." He glared at her before taking unwrapping the loosely tied jacket and took out a a few things from the aid kit.

Bas just let him did his thing; cutting the fabric of her top around the wound with a scissor, stopped the bleeding before he removed the bullet with a tweezer, which caused her to grit her teeth to surpass her scream, and wrapped the bandage around her arm tightly, making her hissed in pain.

"Little pain like this is nothing for you." Rindou snickered as he tied a knot tightly.

"Yeah, so little." She groaned in pain.

"Done." He said.

"Thanks, you're finally useful." Bas smirked slyly. (a/n: referring to Chapter 47, where she called him useless because he could not do basic first aid.)

"Shut up. Someone have to know some first aid in the team." Rindou said, packing the first aid kit.

"Aww, that's so kind of you." Bas complimented him teasingly.

Rindou rolled his eyes at her and flicked her forehead. The two started bickering again while Dan just watched them in silence awkwardly.

The two stopped bickering when they heard a gunshot was fired and immediately became aware.

"That sounds like it's coming from Adri." Bas said before standing up hastily despite of the pain radiating from her right arm.

"Oi, you should take a rest. You're injured." Rindou said, holding her back from going.

"No, I still can move. I wanna make sure if she's alright." Bas said, pushing Rindou's arms away from holding her.

"This airhead bitch." Rindou cursed under his breath before following her. Dan followed them too, feeling worried.


The sound of of the gunshot once again echoed throughout the port, making everyone turned their attention towards the source panickedly. Even Ardi and Muaz who just joined the battleground, fighting with the enemies halted their fights.

Haruto coughed out blood and it splattered on Azuna's cheek, who was looking at him with wide eyes in shock.

Haruto was shot from behind.

Adri was shocked as she saw a bullet from behind them pierced through Haruto's left upper back. Haruto himself was speechless when he suddenly felt the pain from his back and when he coughed out blood, staining Azuna's face. He shakily moved his right hand towards his upper left chest and saw blood on his hand. His eyes were even wider.

Adri's eyes widened too upon seeing the wound on Haruto's back and looked behind them to find who was the shooter, just to find Hans behind the gun, letting out a puff of smoke from the cigarette he was holding with his left fingers. There was a bit smoke coming out of the muzzle of the gun.

"What...?" She questioned herself.

Haruto collapsed to the ground on his back. Azuna finally snapped out of it and immediately went to his side, holding him in panic. She was checking his pulse and fortunately, it was still there.

"What the hell did you?!" Azuna yelled at Hans angrily as she stood up and faced Hans.

"What the hell did I do?" The curly hair guy snickered in amusement.

"What the hell did he do when he met the Heavenly Fist the other day?" Hans said, turning the table, still pointing the gun, towards Azuna this time.

"What..?" Azuna said confusedly. Even Adri was confused. At this point, the men around them stopped fighting to watch and listen to them.

"He met the Heavenly Fist girl a few days ago. One of my men saw him. He was talking with her at a cafe. Doesn't that seems suspicious? That the right man of Odessians' boss were talking to the right man of The Royal's boss?" Hans said in an amused tone.

Azuna gasped. He met with Bas? When? Why? She turned to Haruto, who was still laying on the ground.

"What's the meaning of this?!" She yelled at him.

"I was asking her a favor if she can avoid Adri from killing you..." Haruto said weakly before coughing.

"You what?" Azuna asked, she was shock.

Hans laughed at Haruto, who was standing up slowly by himself.

"Are you that low to beg your own enemy to not kill your boss?" Hans said loudly, making the other Tsumibito and the other two gangs' members laughed at what he said. Haruto just kept quiet.

"Why did you do that?! What's wrong with you?!" Azuna yelled at him angrily, shaking both his shoulders. Haruto hissed in pain.

"I have my reason." He said, looking at her.

"Your reason?! You're so stupid, aren't you?! Ugh!" Azuna groaned and back facing him.

"You should let him die. He talked with our enemy and I counted that as betraying us." Hans smirked while looking at them.

Haruto glared at him before walking past Azuna to stand and confront Hans.

"You convinced her to join you, knowing damn well I was disagreeing with everything you said to her. You bring nothing but a pain in the ass!" Haruto yelled at him angrily.

"Me? The one agreeing to me was your boss. So, that's on her. And aren't you just his loyal dog? You're supposed to agree with whatever your boss said, right?" Hans said nonchalantly in a playful manner.

"Fuck you!" Haruto yelled and Hans just smirked at him.

"You're one goofy guy, aren't you? Well, fuck you too 'cause you're gonna die anyway." Hans pointed the gun towards Haruto and fired few shots.

Haruto expected the bullets to hit him but he unexpectedly was being pushed aside and when he opened his eyes, he did not expect to see Azuna standing in front of him, shielding him from the bullets. She then fell to her side and on her back.

"Azuna!" Haruto screamed worriedly as he was kneeling towards her.

Blood rolled down from the corner of Azuna's lips. There were three bullet holes on her body; one was on her heart, one was under her right breast and the last one was on her stomach. The blood from the wounds started pooling under the two. Adri, Bas, who had just arrived at the scene along with Rindou and Dan, and the other men around them watched in shock.

Haruto was holding her while repeatedly saying "Please stay with me!"


back since april since some have been asking me to update this 🤧 i didnt proofread this cuz i am so sleepy rn anws enjoy the chapter..

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