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"Are you okay?!" Azib asked worriedly as Bas arrived at them.

"Bitch, isn't it obvious?" Bas said as she held her wounded head.

"That injury look so bad! We need to bring you to the hospital!" Na exclaimed but Bas just shook her head.

"No need, bro. This pain is nothing compare to seeing this ugly mofoko." Bas said, pointing at Rindou. Rindou got offended but his brother held him back.

"Oi! This is serious! This is concussion we're talking about!" Bat scolded her, Wazien and the others agreed with Bat.

"Oh, no! I'm losing my memories! Who's this asshole looking jellyfish again?" Bas dramatically and sarcastically said to Rindou.

"You want me to make your injury more severe?" Rindou threatened angrily.

"Do it for me, Rindou." Bat said, sighing at Bas for not taking this seriously. Bas laughed at her Boss.

"I'm fine, Boss! Just hurt a little bit. I'll go find a restroom and clean up." Bas smiled reassuringly.

"You made all of us worry about you, you know. I'm glad you won the first round." Riki said worriedly and hugged her. The younger simply towering her.

"Not me, though." They heard Rindou muttered but they ignored him.

"Sorry that I worried you." Bas said, pulling away from the hug.

"Oh, Bas! Rin here is an expert on treating wounds. He can help you with that." Ran said, smiling slyly, grabbing the said girl's attention.

"Oi!" Rindou was taken aback at his brother's statement and yelled at him.

"Wahh! Really? Good to know that you're actually useful!" Bas smiled, which made Rindou glared at her.

"Go accompany her." Ran said and Rindou just sighed and walked with her to find the restroom. The others just shook their heads at the two.

"Let me see your wound." Rindou said after they were out of the arena. Bas let him examined her head and Rindou suddenly flicked her forehead.

"Ouw! What the fuck, man!" Bas yelled angrily at him.

"You called me what earlier? Asshole looking jellyfish? You look like if period is a person, hella bleeding." Rindou snickered, earning a laugh from Bas.

"Your insult is lame!" And they continued to argue as they made their ways towards the restroom.

Back to the arena..

"Oi! You guys are cheating! It's unfair! He was using weapon and you said to treat this like a real underground fight? Fucking bullshit!" Bat yelled angrily at Ryuki, who was having a drink.

Sanji passed the microphone to Ryuki as he stood up and walked towards the balcony.

"Well, did I say the rules applied to my team?" Ryuki said, smirking.

"You bastard!" She yelled.

"Now, now. Don't be so mad. Round two will be an exception. You can use weapon but only for round two. I see your friend there brought his katana. So, why not you show us your skills, ehh?" Ryuki smirked, looking at Wazien.

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