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"He gave me strength to fight on my own, despite of knowing the fact that I wasn't really good at fighting back then... Being the Capo of the Second Division, he carried his responsibility remarkably, despite of having only 120 members under his command." Adri continued.

"Among all the second division members, he was the closest to me. He's like an older brother to me..." Adri smiled sadly.

"What... happened to him?" Allysha asked carefully, sensing the sadness and sorrow in her tone and eyes.

"He died." She said, the sad smile on her face finally dropped.

"He got hit and run last month and until now the police still couldn't find the culprit. I've started investigating to find the culprit but to no avail." Adri gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. Silence fell upon them until Lysha suddenly spoke up.

"Honestly speaking, he sounds like a really cool guy." Lysha commented.

Adri broke into a smile. "He is. He was a person I'm most comfortable with besides the admins. He would listen when I opened up to him and comfort me when I'm sad. His family is cool too. Her mom treat me like her own daughter. Growing up without a mother, she make me experience a mother's love." She smiled.

"Wah! What a lovely mother. His mother must be proud to have a son like Genki. I mean, I just heard about him from you but he seemed like a really kind and cool person. Sudah tah sanggup bekraja, ia pantang lagi tu kan lelaki bukut bini-bini." Lysha said, amazed at what Adri just told her.

Adri just laughed while looking at the moon above.

"I'll help you find the culprit." Lysha smiled, looking at Adri as they walked.

Adri was surprised at that and smiled, "Thanks, Lysha."

"You're my Capo, afterall. Of course I would help you." Lysha said.

"Kai reporting from the north group. Ippei contacted me saying there's a group of people making a mess at Paradise. He said that it's the Odessians and we're on our way to Paradise." Kai, one of the members from the north group, suddenly informed through the earpiece. Paradise located at the north part of Cappadocia, by the way.

"Roger that. Y'all heard Kai, right? Let's go everyone." Adri said on the earpiece to the other Second Division's groups.


Dan was going to the club again to drink and release some stress. It was just the second day of being an official student of the college and he was already tired of it. He got inside the club after showing his ID at the bouncers at the entrance of Paradise. He went straight to the bar and order some drinks.

Sitting on the bar stool, he looked around the large, loud, dimly lit up club. He was wondering what Bas was doing at the club the other day and why. She seemed to peek his interest and Dan did not like that one bit.

"Here's your drink, sir." The soft pink dyed hair bartender said as served him his order.

Thanking the bartender, Dan took a sip of his drink and frowned at the taste, still not use to the heat and taste.

"Alone?" The bartender, Ippei, asked while wiping a vodka glass.

"Yeah, just wanna release stress." Dan answered taking a sip of his drink.

"Mind if I ask why you decided to release some stress here." Ippei asked again politely.

"I'm just stressed about college." He sighed and Ippei laughed.

"Oh, I understand that very much. It's tiring. I have Uni classes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon and work part time job as a bartender at night." Ippei sighed and grinned.

"But I'm sure you'll pull it through, buddy. Hang in there." Ippei smiled before he went to serve another customers.

The bartender's words downed in him. The bartender work a part time job while in Uni and he was here complaining about college when it was just the second day of college. He kept on sipping his drink and looked around the club, searching for a particular girl among the crowd, you know who.

Instead of finding that girl, he saw a group of men wearing the same navy blue and white satin embroidered bomber jacket with a big sun and a crescent moon embroidered on the back of the jacket and a sun embroidered on the left side of the chest part of the bomber jacket and a crescent moon on the right side.

They were pushing and punching people around as they walked through the sea of people dancing to the loud music. Dan's eyes widened when he saw one of them took out a gun and pointed it towards the ceiling. The guy fired at the ceiling, startling everyone in the club and the music abruptly stopped. Dan immediately jumped behind the bar to take cover, hiding with Ippei. The crowd screamed in fear and exited the club hurriedly.

"That's better." Said the one that opened fire just now and some of the guys laughed. They were about to sit on the sofas in the club when Panji, head of the bouncer, confronted them.

"Oi, what the hell is your problem?! You're scaring the customers off." He said, towering over the groups. He has a dark skin and height about 185cm. Behind him was another few bouncers that built like him.

"Damn, man. Why are you so pressed? We just wanna have the club to ourselves. There's nothing wrong with that." One of the guy said.

"Nothing's wrong with it, you say? Not only you are disturbing the club, you're carrying a handgun! It's illegal to have guns in this country!" Panji yelled angrily.

"Oh, come on, big man. We're just tryna spend our gang's time together." A brunette hair girl that was sitting on the sofa, said as she stood up and walked towards Panji. She was also wearing the Odessians satin embroidered bomber jacket.

Stopping a few steps from him and the other bouncers, she turned around towards the Odessians members.

"Why don't we have some fun, huh? Let's see if you guys can defeat the bouncers here." The girl smirked and the members were cheering.

"It's been awhile since I beat some dudes." A member excitedly said as he stood up.

Some of the members stood up while cracking their knuckles as they walked towards the bouncers. Panji glared at them while clenching his jaws and fists.

"Entertain me." She said and the members charged towards the bouncers and started a fight while she sat back down on the couch and watched, with a guy standing next to her.


i started getting detailed with the characters, such as their appearance and their backstory, in this arc. why didn't i start it from the beginning?? hope you can imagine the characters' appearance by the way i described them. and some of the characters are actually based off the characters from Tokyo Revengers.

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