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The night of the battle came and they were preparing for the fight in their hotel rooms. Na decided to talk things with Riki since he looked anxious and nervous.

"Riki." She called him.

He, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, still had not look at her. He was staring at the floor while fiddling his fingers absentmindedly.

"Riki." She called again but a bit louder and he finally snapped out of it.

"Yes, Na-chan?" He asked, looking up at her.

"What are you gonna do? We're up against your brother." She asked with a neutral expression.

He honestly did not know what to do. He could only looked down at the carpeted floor.

"Your brother wanted to kill Boss and I don't want that." Na said.

He did not want that to happen too. Bat was his boss and also the person that had helped him so much. Just because of him, The Royal got involved. He did not want anyone to get hurt because of him, he did not want anyone to die because of him. Visiting Japan was a big mistake.

Can't they have a normal trip for once? Why did it always end up like this?

His brother was such a tyrant. He was violence not just to Riki but others around them that did not obey him too.

At last, he finally made up his mind. He will end this suffering.

"I'll kill him." He said, looking straight in Na's eyes.

She watched him closely. It seemed like the fear and nervousness in his eyes disappeared.

"Riki, I understand your feelings but do you really wanted to kill your brother? I'm not underestimating you. I can't help but to get worried. You never kill anyone before and certainly at this age. You sure you wanted to? You know you can ask me to kill him for you." She said in sympathy but her face remained neutral.

"Na-chan, thanks for worrying about me but didn't you kill people at my age?" Riki looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I was built for that but you. We raised you differently from how me, Bat and Bas were raised."

"Mhm, I understand but I'll do it. I'll end this suffering. I'll kill Ryuki." Riki said, determined. Na looked at him and nodded.

"All right. Get ready in 5." Na said before leaving him alone.


"Is this the place?" Bat asked as she hopped off the car that they rent.

"Yes, this is the place." Riki said.

The place looked empty and so quiet. Well, it was an abandoned warehouse afterall but it brought confusion to them.

"Damn, so quiet." Bas said as she looked around.

"No, shit sherlock, dumbass. It's an abandoned warehouse, what did you expect?" Rindou said to her, rolling his eyes at what she just said.

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