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- At the Second Division -

Adri and the center group arrived at Paradise and they were surprised that the main entrance was closed and the bouncers at the door was nowhere to be seen. But the loud music from the inside were still can be heard though.

Adri and the other 24 members of the Second Division's center entered the club and was shocked to find the club was not crowded at all. There were some people wearing the same satin embroidered bomber jacket in the club though, which they believed was Odessians.

The strippers were performing on the stage and Ippei was making drinks behind the bar but by the looks on their faces, they looked scared. They were forced to perform and serve against their will. What shocked them was all the bouncers and the north group were piling on the floor, beaten and passed out.

This pissed Adri off so much. Adri clapped loudly.

"Wow, amazing! You trashed my club." She sarcastically said, gaining their attention. Ippei and the strippers were relief when Adri and the center group arrived. The strippers quickly went back stage.

"You're the owner of this club? Stop shitting me. Who the fuck are you even, bitch?" A member of Odessians asked rudely as he stood infront of Adri. Dan, who was hiding under the bar, took a peek of what was happening. He was surprised to see Adri, one of his senior at the college.

"My name doesn't matter. You've caused disruption to my business. So, you'll have to pay for it." Adri said, face emotionless as she cracked her knuckles.

"Huh? Pay? We ain't gonna pay–" The guy got cut off by Adri punching him in the face, shocking Odessians, Dan and Lysha.

The guy stood on his feet again. "You bitch!" He yelled and charged towards Adri again to throw a punch on her face but the wolf cut hairstyle girl avoided the punch and kneed his torso, making him collapsed to the ground while groaning and clutching his torso.

"Well, well. If it's not the weak Adriana. I'm surprised you're able to take him down with just two hit. Tch, weak guy." A familiar feminine voice said, gaining Adri's attention. She looked over to see a girl her age walking towards her and stopped a few steps from her.

"Azuna?" She said in disbelief. She could not believe that her bully from middle school is in a gang now.

"It's been awhile, Adri." She smirked.

"Look at me, I've formed a big gang. Isn't it cool?" Azuna smiled fakedly. Adri was shocked and confused when Azuna said that. Azuna is the leader of Odessians? And a big gang? The members of Odessians in the club was just about 50. That's not many enough to be called "big".

Just then, "Adri, we can't go to Paradise just yet! We're– You fucking bitch! ...We're fighting against Odessians right now! There's too many of them. They outnumbered us!" A member from the west group informed Adri through the earpiece. Adri widened her eyes at the news.

"Adri, the south and east group are on their way to back up west group as they are up against about 100 Odessians." She heard Na said from the earpiece.

"What about First and Third Division?" Adri asked, pressing the talking button on the earpiece.

"First Division is fighting the Baltagia and Third Division is fighting Dapper Don as we speak. I know they outnumbered you too, Adri but I know you can do this." Na said encouragingly from the earpiece.

"Copy that and thanks." Adri said to the earpiece. Now, they were all by themselves. The First and Third Division were fighting and there were no back ups for the moment. Combining the east and south groups together, they were still outnumbered by 100 Odessians men. Plus, the north group and the bouncers were already knocked, leaving only Adri and the 24 members of the center group, up against 50 members of Odessians, including Azuna.

"I can do this. I've done this with Genki before. Of course I can handle this." Adri thought to herself.

"You see, my gang here outnumbered yours. So, why don't you get the hell out of this club and let me hang out here? Hm?" She said as she smiled fakely.

"Don't talk like you own the place, Azuna." Adri glared at her and she started to laugh.

"What are you gonna do? Punch me-" Her words got cut off by Adri's surprise punch landing on her face, making her stumbled backwards, shocking the Odessians once again.

"How dare you touch our leader!"

"We're gonna kill ya!

"Just so you wait!"

The members were yelling at Adri angrily. Azuna stood up and wiped the corner of her lips.

"Kill her." Azuna said as she glared at Adri. Those two words were enough to make the members of Odessians to charge towards The Royal's Second Division's center group.

"Let's go, everyone!" She yelled as she charged forwards, followed by the other The Royal's members.

Same as Adri, Lysha punched every guy that came to her. It was a little hard for her as she got hit few times but she managed.

Adri finally reached Azuna after beating some of the guys that were on her way. When she reached her, the same four guys from the middle school were standing infront of her and she saw Haruto standing next to Azuna. He looked at Azuna worriedly.

"Are you okay, Azuna?" He asked her worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Azuna responded shortly.

"You know what, Azuna? I'm not the weak Adri you knew from middle school." Adri said, panting a little.

"Really? Prove it then." Azuna smirked, the four guys walked towards Adri and smirked.

Guy 3 launched towards her, throwing a punch which she dodged it and punched his jaw. Guy 4 came towards her, she managed to avoid and elbowed his back, making him fell to the ground on his stomach. Guy 2 came forward and punched her, making her stumbled backwards and Guy 1 grabbed her from behind.

Adri struggled to free herself. Guy 2 came to her and threw some punches on her torso. She groaned in pain and tried to stiffen her torso. She kicked Guy 2's crotch, making him held his crotch in pain, on the ground while groaning in pain.

Rip balls.

Adri reverse headbutted Guy 1, hitting him on his face, making him let go of Adri. Adri kicked him on the face, making him collapsed.

When she turned around to face Azuna, she was greeted by a fist landing on her face from Guy 1, making her stumbled backwards and fell on her butt. Guy 1 kicked her on the face. Him, Guy 3 and Guy 4 went to her and beat her up. Stomping and kicking her body, she could only cover herself by using both her arms.

"Adri!" Lysha shouted as she walked to help Adri but got stopped by an Odessians guy came to her with a fist. She managed to dodge the punch and since she was near the bar, she grabbed a beer bottle and smashed it on the guy's head, knocking him out. When she rushed to Adri, there was another guy that blocked her.

"Ugh, give me a break!" She groaned and fought the guy.

Adri, who was laying and got beaten at the middle of the dance floor, she could not put up a fight any longer. She was starting to think that she was losing hope. This was just like back in middle school. Nothing has changed. She was still weak afterall, always depending on Genki to protect her. But this time, Genki was no longer around.

"Enough boys." Azuna said, satisfied with Adri's bloodied face and bruised bodies and the guys backed off from Adri. Azuna walked towards her, who was laying on her back on the ground and stood above her body, legs on either side of her body.

She pulled out a gun and pointed it towards Adri's face.

"Any last words?"


i like to make yall suffer with a cliffhanger.

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