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"No way... There's no way he beat Konosuke and Sanji just like that.." Ryuki said in his mind. He was getting pissed, really pissed.

Azib walked back to The Royal with a proud smile.

"See, Riki? I told you not to worry too much, didn't I?" He smiled cheekily, in which Riki returned.

"You're amazing, Nii-chan." He complimented.

Azib proceeded to talk to others when Riki looked up to see his brother's reaction. His eyes widened when he saw Ryuki held out a gun towards Azib. Azib did not see it since he was back facing Ryuki's direction.

"Nii-san!" Riki yelled as Ryuki shot a bullet. Riki pushed Azib, resulting the two to fall to the ground. Unfortunately, Azib was shot but good thing was that he did not get shot anywhere vital, just his upper arm.

"Azib!" The others yelled as they rushed to him. The audience roared excitedly as their boss just shot someone. What a bunch of fucking lunatics.

"Nii-san! You okay?!" Riki asked worriedly.

"My arm..." Azib hissed, holding his injured arm.

"You're gonna be alright, okay? Stay with us." Bat said calmly as Bas gave her a roll of bandages.

She then rolled them around her wound to stop the bleeding and tie it tightly, him groaning in pain in the process. Wazien and Ran helped carrying Azib to the bleacher.

"Not so strong now, are you? Royal scums." Ryuki said, gritting his teeth while smirking as he made his way down to the ring.

"You bastard!" Bas and Wazien yelled angrily at him.

Bat stood up and faced Ryuki, throwing glares like daggers at him.

"I know I should've killed you from the moment I stepped into this arena." Bat said with spiteful tone.

"Where's the fun in it then?" Ryuki chuckled.

"Fun? Your team has been defeated four times in a row, that doesn't look so fun to you, don't you think?" Bat smirked, tilting her head to the right a little bit.

"We'll see for the fifth round." Ryuki smirked at her.

"For round five, I, myself will fight you, the fifth generation leader of The Royal, Batrisyia Ji!" Ryuki smirked as he announced that to everyone in the arena.

"Woah! Boss is up for round five?! That's a first time!" A member from the audience said excitedly.

"I didn't expect boss to join. I'm sure that girl won't stand a chance." Another one said.

The audience were getting fired up hearing that their boss himself will be participating in round five of the fight and they were confident that their boss will win this round since they had been losing four times in a row.

The VIPs from the VIP section were equally surprised.

"Quite a shock to see the owner of the ring to come down there himself." Mr. Lee said.

"I agree with you, Mr. Lee. What a rare occasion." Mr. Shion said as he poured himself a drink.

"I must say that this is getting interesting." Mr. Hanezuka said, puffing out a smoke.

Back to The Royal...

"Take care of Azib. I'll handle this motherfucker." Bat said, the others nodded before she walked towards the ring but before she could walk any further, Riki stopped her.

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