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"Boss, you're awake!" A secretary of J.Yunus exclaimed as soon as he saw him waking up from passing out.

J.Yunus was trying to sat up on the bed but the bruises and the secretary stopped him from doing so. He hissed as he laid back down on the hospital bed.

"Boss, what exactly happened to you last night? We were looking for you for the whole day. Gladly, we found you at a dark alleyway, thanks to your phone for activating your location." The male secretary explained.

"I- I don't really remember. All I remember was I was at the Party Palace and- shit! I was busted by the Ester. She knew I was stealing from them!" He exclaimed panically.

His secretary gasped and started to sweat.

"Boss, what are we gonna do?" The secretary asked worriedly.

"Just continue selling the perfumes. They won't report me any sooner." The boss answered, making the secretary widened his eyes.

"Boss, are you serious?! They've warned you about this and you were beaten!" The secretary exclaimed.

"Just do what I say! Get out!" J.Yunus yelled. His secretary just sighed, mentally shaking his head in disbelief and exited the room.


"Do you think J.Yunus gonna immediately stop selling Heather?" Lysha asked as she munched on her mac and cheese, despite of having lactose intolerance.

"I don't know, man. Let's check the store later." Adri suggested, taking a bite of the spaghetti bolognese.

Adri and Lysha were currently at an Italian restaurant at the mall. They had their lunch break there. Adri wished the others could join them but they were occupied with other matters.

"So, Lysha. How's your dad?" Adri asked.

"He can finally be put in a hospital, where he can get full recovery and all. With the money, I can finally move out from that crappy ass apartment that I'm currently living in and find a new place." Lysha replied after taking a sip of her drink.

"You can stay at the mansion while you're looking for an apartment, you know. There's always extra rooms in the mansion for the members, plus, a bathroom and a walk-in closet in each room." Adri said, receiving a look of disbelief on Lysha's face.

"What? I didn't know! No one ever told me." Lysha said, calming down but still got the frowning face on her.

"Wait, no one told you? Who took you to tour the mansion the other day?" Adri asked, eyes furrowed.

"The tall guy- What's his name again- Ah! Azib! He was the one who took me to tour the mansion and he never mentioned about the members can sleep there at all." Lysha explained. She remembered exactly how she felt at that time when Azib took her to tour around the mansion.

She was awkward the whole time, only replied with short answers when he asked questions and never had the intention to have a long conversation with the guy. So, most of the time, she was rather quiet. Surprisingly, Azib acted as if their intense first encounter never happened and was actually acting normal (aka not flirty or buaya). Lysha thought that he was just being professional since they are working together now.

"Azib? Wait until Boss found out that he's been slacking off." Adri said with a monotonous tone and an expressionless face.

"Hm, he deserved it." Lysha agreed.

After eating they decided to check out Scented. Lysha and Adri walked into the shop and was surprised to see that the perfumes were still on the sale.

"What the fuck? He still sell it? Despite of what happened to him?" Lysha asked, as the both of them stepped out of the shop.

"Exactly. He doesn't seem to learn his lesson yet. We better report back to the HQ." Adri said and they walked towards the exit of the mall.


The sound of heavy breathing and something hitting the punching bag echoed throughout the whole gym. The air in the gym was warm, making sweats dripping off of Bat's whole body. She was stressed out from the situation they were in but punching a sand bag might reduce it.

"You've been punching that bag for few minutes now. You should take a break." Ardi, who was jogging on the running machine, said as he stopped the machine and went to grab two bottles of water form the refrigerator in the corner of the gym.

Bat stopped and was breathing heavily. Using a small towel, she wiped off the sweats on her face and neck.

"Thanks." She said when Ardi gave her the water bottle. Bat immediately chugged down the cold water.

"I'm just stressed about our situation. That's all."

"I understand, Boss. It's just unbelievable how they can easily resale the perfume just with different bottle and name. They got the name instead of us." Ardi said.

"We really need to find out how and why they did this. There must be someone from the inside. We better watch out." Bat said, getting ready to punch the punching bag again, when Adri and Lysha entered the gym.

"Turns out he still put the perfume on sale. He must be that desperate despite knowing the consequences." Adri informed.

"I see. He's really gonna regret this." Bat said.

"Adri, call everyone for a meeting in the meeting room in 30. We need to discuss about this ASAP. He is really in my nerve right now." Bat commanded.

"Yes, Boss. Right away." Adri said and walked out of the gym immediately, followed by Lysha.

"Ardi, you should change and go to the meeting too." Bat said and Ardi exited the gym right away.

Bat punched the punching bag one last time out frustration before exiting the gym.


bahau tah aku be idea kamu

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