Chapter 34 ~ 'Please Stay Alive'

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"Caleb" I Whisper.

He turns around and looks at me. He has pain in his eyes as he looks down at my stomach. I didn't expect him to be here at all. I though he was gone for good. He left me. I will never forget that.

"What are you doing here" I ask, my words sounding more strong and upfront.

"Beatrice, your pregnant?" He says.

"You didn't answer my question" I say angrily.

"I can expla---" he says, but I cut him off.

"Really? Can you explain why you left me? Can you explain why you were never there for me? I needed my brother! But you WERE NEVER THERE!" I yell.

"Beatrice, please calm down. You know why I had to leave. Mom and Dad where fighting and hitting us kids. I couldn't take it anymore" he says.

"So you left your 8 year old sister alone with two parents who didn't give a shit about us when we were little?" I ask.

"I'm sorry."

"You need to leave" I say.

"But Beatrice. I just came back from Cali. I'm here to see yo---"

"I don't want to see you! Don't you get that?! You left me, alone! Now I want you to leave it that way. GET OUT!" I yell as tears make there way down my face. Caleb has tears in his eyes. He walks out the door and slams it shut.

I slide down the cupboard door and collapse into sobs. I start crying uncontrollably.

I stay in the same position, crying for about 5 minutes, until I get myself up slowly and make my way to the bathroom.

I look in the mirror and my face is all red and blotchy. My eyelids are also swollen. Tobias is definitely going to see that I have been crying.

I push the thought past and check the time. 3:45pm. I need to start afternoon tea for Tobias. I decide to make Chicken Burritos. I walk back down the stairs to the kitchen and start to make the food. I am only making something small because we are having pizza tonight with the group.

I put the chicken in the frying pan and start to cut up the lettuce, tomato, cucumber, cheese and capsicum.

I hear the door open and close. Tobias is home. I feel two strong arms wrap around my stomach. He lips connect with my neck as I stir the chicken so it doesn't burn.

"Hey baby" he whispers in my ear.

"Hey" I laugh a little. He spins me around and closes his eyes. He lips connect with mine, moving in perfect synchronisation. I moan as his tongue collides with mine. I pull back after a few minutes.

I wish I hadn't pulled back. Tobias is looking at me with concern.

"What happened?" He asks. I shake my head and turn around continuing to toss the chicken and place it on the plate while turning the stove off.

"Tris, baby" he says. "Please talk to me" he turns me around again, to see that my my dry cheeks are now wet with warm tears. He embraces me in a hug.

"My brother. He came today" I whisper.

"You have a brother?" He says.

"Yeah...I don't really like to talk about him. He left me when I was 8. My parents used to beat us, that's why he left. But he told me that he would never leave. He promised." I sob.

"'s okay baby. But, your parents seem like amazing people. Did they change?" He says stroking my hair.

"Yeah, they stopped beating me when I was 11. I spent 7 years without my brother." I shake my head. "Anyways, I have arranged for the group to come over for a movie night at 6:30pm. Is that okay?" I say.

"Are you sure you want to? Because everything that just happened with your bro---"

"I'm okay, I need to get my mind off things" I say attaching my lips to his.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you more" I say.
"I love you most" he smiles.

"Forever?" I say looking into his sparkling brown eyes,
He kisses my lips,


Tobias and I have set up the lounge room, with blankets and pillows. The pizza man should be here any minute. I clear off the coffee table that is in the middle of the lounge room, so I can put the drinks and pizza on it.

I hear the doorbell ring, must be the pizza man.
"I'll get it baby" Tobias says.

Minutes later he comes back with 6 boxes of pizza and 3 bottles of coke. He looks like he is struggling so I get up and help him.

The door rings again and I get up to get it this time. I open the door.

"Hey!" The group shouts.

"Hey guys! Come in! We're in the lounge room tonight" I smile. They all file in. But the last person I expect to see is Marlene standing outside the front door beckoning me to her. I walk out and close the door.

"Yes?" I say crossing my arms.

"I just wanted to say need to stay away from Four. He will be with me. You watch" she smiles.

"Umm...I'm having his baby" I let out a short laugh, "he loves me and he wants a future with me. And I'm not going to reject that."

"Your not having his baby...anymore" as she says the last word, her knee connects with my stomach, causing me to groan with pain and fall to the ground. She repeatedly kicks my stomach. I try to scream but nothing comes out my mouth.

I start coughing. "Tob-bi-ias" I stutter. She keeps kicking me stomach until the door opens and reveals Christina. Marlene runs for her life. Christina chases after her. Uriah comes outside.

"Oh my god! Tris!" He yells rushing over to me. There is a pool of blood that surrounds my stomach and legs. Stay alive! I say to myself. This baby needs to survive. 'Stay alive baby please'

"TRIS!" Tobias rushes out. Before I do anything everything goes,


Will the baby survive? 😱😰

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