Chapter 22

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I wake up with my head on Tobias's chest and my arm draped across his stomach. I look at him and see how peaceful he is.
"It's not nice to stare" he says. I scream.
"Your an asshole!" I laugh "You scared the shit out of me!"
"Hey, I'm sorry" he laughs.

I move to get out of bed, I wince because my legs are sore from last night.
"Are you okay?" Tobias rushes to my side of the bed and crouches down in front of me.
"Yeah I'm okay, my legs and in between them are just sore" I say.
"Do you want to take a bath? It will soothe the pain, not just because I'm in there but, the water will soothe it too" he laughs.
"Yes please, but as I said before Your an asshole!" I laugh.

He picks me up bridal style and takes me into the bathroom. He puts me down. He turns the water on and gets the bath salts and bubble mix. He puts in the bubble mix and sprinkles in the bath salts. Once the bath is done, we get into the bath since we were already naked. As soon as the water hits my skin, I let out a sigh of relief. It soothes my body.

"So, did you like last night?" Tobias asks.
"Of course I did, because I did it with you and it felt good" I smile.
"I'm glad" he smiles.
"How many girls have you slept with?" I ask. I probably shouldn't have asked, it's basically none of my business.
"2, Marlene and You" he shakes his head. Hearing her name makes me want to vomit.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I just wish that you were the first one I did it with, not her" he sighs

"Hey, want to go get tattoos today?" I say
"Yeah that would be awesome" he smiles

We sit in the bath for 15 minutes, chatting, kissing and laughing. Tobias helps me out of the tub. I wrap a towel around my body and walk into the bedroom. I put on a black long sleeved top with black jeans and my combat boots. I blow dry my hair and straighten it. I put on some mascara, eyeliner, foundation and lip balm. Tobias is wearing a black shirt, black jeans also with his combat boots. He looks sexy.

I walk downstairs with Tobias, and I start laughing like crazy.
"What?" He smiles
"My bra-is on-the-ceiling-fan" I say between laughs. He starts laughing and goes to collect my bra that is hanging from one of the wings of the fan. He grabs it, he puts it into the washing basket.
"Let's go" he smiles.
--------------Tattoo Parlour--------------
We walk into the tattoo parlour and start looking around the shop for some designs. There is everything in this store. Flower designs, bird designs, tribal designs, the faction symbols ect. I head towards the birds and one catches my eye. 3 Ravens that look like they are taking flight. I pick up the design and walk to the counter.

"Hello I'm Tori, how may I help you" she asks.
"Hey, I'm Tris, could I get this please" I say showing her the design.
"Yeah, come right this way" she says.
"Babe, I'm just getting my tattoo done" I yell out to Tobias.
"Okay" He yells back.
"Sorry" I say to Tori.
"It's fine" she says

She leads me into a room with a leather chair and a table with the things she needs to tattoo with.
"Where do you want it?" She asks.
"My collarbone please" I say.

She lays the stencil onto my collarbone and starts doing the tattoo. We talk for a bit about totally random things. When she finishes, she covers it with some transparent wrap. I walk back into the design place where Tobias was. He must be getting his tattoo done. About 5 minutes later he walks out...shirtless. He has a massive piece of wrap covering his hole back. He smiles and walks over to me when he sees me.

"Hey baby" he says kissing my lips "your tattoo looks amazing"
"Hey, thanks" I say. I haven't seen his yet.
"I'll show you mine when I get home" he smiles taking my hand. We say thank you and walk out the door.

We walk back to our apartment and walk up into the bathroom to remove our wrap that's on our tattoos. I pull mine off and examine it in the mirror. It's so amazing! 3 Ravens one for each of the family I left behind. My brother left me last year, he is in California. I guess I left him too because he doesn't know I moved out of my parents house. Tobias doesn't know about my brother. I prefer not to talk about him.

I help Tobias take his wrap off. It reveals all the faction symbols in a line going down in the middle of his back surrounded by different lines at different angles going out towards his stomach, neck and hips. I gotta say, it's sexy!

"It's sexy" I giggle.
"Thanks, I really liked the design" he smiles.

He wraps his arms around my stomach giving me a big, warm hug. I look into his sparkling brown eyes and smile. I place my lips to his, our mouths move perfectly in time. I allow his tongue to enter into my mouth. I moan as his tongue collides with mine. I pull back after a few minutes of kissing.

"What are we gonna do for the rest of the day?" I ask.
"I dunno, we could lay on the bed and cuddle while watching a movie" he smiles.
"Perfect, I'll go get the popcorn" I peck his lips before walking downstairs to get the salty popcorn. I heat it up in the microwave and walk back upstairs.

It takes me by surprise, I see Tobias laying flat on the bed...naked!
"What are you doing?" I ask confused.
"What? I'm hot" he says. I laugh.
"Okay" I giggle
I lay down onto the bed and put the bowl of popcorn between us. He has put on the movie 'Fast and Furious 5'. It's about racing fast cars and doing a bank heist. I can't concentrate on the movie because of Tobias' dick.

"Could you at least put some boxers on" I say.
"Why?" He looks at me.
"Your dick is distracting me" I say
"Wow! Really I didn't even know" he smiles, with the hint of sarcasm. I get up from the bed.
"I'm going to get us a drink from the fridge" I say.

I pick up his black boxers and scrunch them into a ball and chuck them at him, a hit his face.
"Hey!" He laughs.

I'm so sorry for not updating guys! I have been really busy!
How was your guys Christmas?🎄🎁
I won't be able to update for 2 weeks!! I can update until the 1st of January then I won't be on for 2 weeks!! I'm going overseas to New Zealand💕
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