Chapter 40

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2 Months Later || December

It's been 2 months since the incident. Tobias and I have grown stronger In our relationship. I guess the things we went through made us stronger. I love him and I know he loves me.

I'm lying in bed with Tobias. I Just woke up from a peaceful sleep. Tobias is awake, looking down at me.

"Goodmorning" he smiles.

"Good morning" I say

"Can I ask you something?" He says.

"Anything, baby"

"When is your birthday? You never told me" he laughs a bit.

"December 6th. 2 days" I sigh.

"Tris, baby. Why did you never tell me?!" He says.

"I don't know, I'm turning 20 nothing big"

"Hey! Your not gonna be a teen anymore! Your getting old!" He laughs.

"Oi! Atleast I'm not 21! And besides, I'm not that old" I laugh.

"Whatever" he smirks.

4 days later ||

I fell asleep in Tobias's arms last night. He must of taken me to bed because that's where I wake up. Tobias isn't next to me. I smell food coming from the kitchen. I push the blankets off me and walk downstairs but birthday karma attacks me and makes me fall over. I tumble down the stairs.

"Ouch!" I wince. Tears slipping out of my eyes. I hear running footsteps. Tobias comes and sees me on the floor.

"Hey, shh, it's okay baby" he says wiping the tears from my eyes. He picks me up and engulfs me in a hug.

"You okay?" He says pressing his lips to my forehead. I nod and close my eyes, letting his presence surround me with comfort.

"Happy Birthday!" He shouts laughing.

"Your a dork!" I giggle wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down so I can press my lips to his. They taste like honey. I smile during the kiss and he pulls back.

"Breakfast is ready" he winks at me. I smile as he takes my hand and leads me to the dining room. There is bacon, pancakes, eggs, sausages, tomato, waffles and toast! With berry smoothies! I jump into his arms.

"I love you so much!" I laugh. I kiss him on the lips and pull back walking over to a chair, Tobias runs over and pulls out the chair for me. I smile at him and sit down.

We start to eat. The food is delicious!

"This is amazing babe! Your a spectacular cook!" I say wide eyed, eating the delicious bacon.

We start talking about different things and totally random stuff. We finish up our breakfast and we do the dishes together. Tobias offered to do them but I said that I would help. After we finish we walk into the lounge room.

Tobias plops down onto the couch. I walk up behind him and whisper in his ear,

"Birthday sex?" I whisper, biting his ear softly. He stands up and comes over to me.

"Are you sure? After everything that has happ--"

"Baby, it's been ages. I miss it, and I know you do to" I say grabbing his arms and leading him upstairs.

I fall back onto the bed, pulling Tobias on top of me. I pull up my shirt revealing my bare breasts. He slides down my pants and undies at the same time. I pull down his pants considering he didn't have a shirt on already.

He goes to the nightstand and grabs a condom, ripping the packet and sliding it on.

We are both completely naked. I smile as I separate my legs giving him full access to enter me,

He pushes into me, carefully. I fist the sheets and moans escape my mouth as he slowly picks us the speed.

His kisses make there way down my neck, sucking on a few places. There is going to be a mark.

"Faster..." I moan. His speed picks up and my moans get louder. He puts his mouth to mine to keep my moans quiet. I grab onto his shoulders, as he digs into me at a rough but nice pace.

This is what I love about us. Every time we make love, we give away a piece of ourselves to each other, making us closer and our relationship tighter. Tobias and I show affection not just by having sex, but always being there for each other, always making sure that either one of us is okay.

I love him, with all my heart and the only person who can change that is Me. When he stops loving me, I'll never let go.

"Oh, Tobias" I scream as he digs harder. My legs start to grow weak. Ecstasy goes upon me as I spill out. He keeps going and spills out into the condom not even a second later.

He plops down onto the bed. Our breaths are heavy. I lay my head onto his sweaty chest.

"I love you so much, Tobias Eaton" I pant.

"I love you to, Tris Prior" he smiles.

Hey guys! Just letting you people know that if you don't like books with Sex, than I advise you don't read this book💖
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