Chapter 31

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"Tobias, I'm Pregnant"

"What? Your Pregnant?"

"Yes" I say. A big smile plants on his face and engulfs me with a hug.

"I'm going to be a father! We are going to be parents!" He laughs. When he pulls back, he has tears running down his face. Happy Tears.

"My doctors appointment is tomorrow. Sheridan, my doctor, is going to do an ultrasound to check on the baby and see how many weeks I am" I smile, "and I would like you to be there"

"Baby, I wouldn't miss it for the world" he says connecting his lips to mine in a matter of seconds.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you more" I say.
"I love you most" he smiles.

"Forever?" I say looking into his sparkling brown eyes,
He kisses my lips,

I wake up in the morning and immediately run to the toilet, and throw up. Tobias comes in after me, to support me. Today is my doctors appointment which is at 10am. It's around 8:30am. Tobias helps me up.

"You okay?" He says.

"Yeah" I say, "I'm just gonna have a shower"

"Can I join you Miss Prior?" He smiles.

"Of Coarse Mr Eaton" I giggle.

We arrive at the doctors and check in to see Natalie. She was running a bit late so we had to wait.

I'm sitting on the hospital bed in the ultrasound room. There are computers and wires everywhere making me a bit shaky. Tobias seems to notice because he kisses me on the temple and whispers,

"I love you, everything is going to be okay"

I give him a small smile and return back to Sheridan who just walked through the door.

"Hello Tris and Tobias" she smiles, "today I will be checking how many weeks you are and how many babies you have. I'm just gonna pull up your shirt and stick this cold gel on your stomach that makes it easier to see on the screen"

The gel feels really cold once it connects with my stomach. She puts the remote onto my stomach and swirls around, trying to find the baby.

"There it is" she says excitedly.

I look up at the screen and see a tiny figure. A little baby, with small hands and feet. My eyes start to tear up.

"That's our baby" Tobias whispers against my ear and kisses it lightly. I feel a tear drop onto my neck. Tobias tears.

"I love you" I say.

"I love you too" he says.

"You are 4 weeks pregnant and you
need to take things slow because if you don't you might damage the baby. We will be able to find out the gender when you are 6 months pregnant." She reassures me.

"Thank you so much, Sheridan" I say.

"Thank you" Tobias adds.

We say goodbye and walk out.

Tobias and I need to get our game on to have this baby. We need to be the best parents we can be. I'm glad I got to have this moment...this moment with Tobias.
I'm so sorry for not updating! I had a massive writers block😭
Love you guys!


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