Chapter 13

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(Listen to 'The Power Of Love~ Gabrielle Aplin)

Christina POV|
I see Tris drive off. I can't believe Four and Marlene would do that.
Tris isn't heading towards her house. I wonder where she is going. Everybody left it's just Me, Uriah and Zeke.

"Where is Tris going?" I ask Uri.

"Hospital, she broke her hand" he says.

But Tris isn't heading in the direction of the Hospital. The night of the Party at Fours I was near the door listening to there conversation, (I know it's rude!) she was talking about wanting to kill herself and stuff that happened in LA. Oh no.

"Uriah, Zeke! Car! Now!" I yell.

"Why? It's 1am!" Uriah says.

"Tris is in trouble!" I say.

We all run to the car and hop in. It takes us longer because Zeke can't fit in the back seat. He finally gets in.

"Why do you have such a small car?" He whines.

"Shut up dumbass!" I say.

I slam of the gas pedal. We catch up to Tris. We stay far behind her because we don't want to get caught. I see where's she is going now, Navy Pier.

Tris POV|
I'm driving towards Navy Pier. My face is red and hot from bursting out at Marlene. I can't seem to make the tears go away. All I can picture is Four and her. I can't seem to get any good memories of us back.

The only good memory my brain can access was the greatest moment of my life, our first kiss.

Walking along the shoreline hand in hand. The way his lips tasted, like honey. His brown glistening eyes as the sun shined in his eyes as it started to come up.

Tonight was the last time I'll get to see him. The night he cheated on me, is the night I'm going to die.

I pull in the carpark area and get out of my car. The only lights that are there are the street lamps and the Ferris Wheel. I walk past the gaming centres and food stalls that have closed because of the time.

I walk right out to the end of the Pier and look over the railing.

It's far down, all I see is black, but at times I see the ripples of the water from the light of the moon.

I climb onto the railing and sit down on it. One push and I'll be gone. I decide to take out my phone and call someone. Four.

"Hello?" Fours voice sounds down and drained.

"Hi" I whisper.

"Oh, hi Tris, where are you? I can hear wind" he asks.

"Navy Pier, sitting on the railing ready to jump" I say.

"Tris, please don't do this" he pleads.

"I have to. You broke me" I whisper.

"I was drunk! I didn't know what happened! I snapped back to reality when you punched me!" He explains.

"I'm sorry but I have to go" I say.

"Tris!" He yells. I hang up.

I hear running from behind me. I turn around.

"Tris, please you don't have to do this! We can help you" says Christina.

"We can get through this, together" Uriah says stretching out his hand towards me.

"No. I want to go!" I yell.

"Please, we love you." Christina says.

"We couldn't live with ourselves if you left! I know you have only been here for like just over a week, but you are so special to us!" Zeke says.

"Please Tris, we can work things ou..." Uriah doesn't finish his sentence, because we hear a pair of running steps coming towards us. Emerging from the darkness is Four.

"Tris, baby, please don't do this. I'm sorry, it will never happen again. I love you and only you!" He pleads.

"After everything, after everything I went through with my last school. You were my first love" I say. I cover my mouth as I start to sob and cry.

"Tris, can I come over?" Uriah asks.

"Fine" I say.

He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me protectively.

"Please." He says. I close my eyes as tears threaten to escape. I look down at Uriah, he has tears in his eyes.

"Help me down." I whisper. He lets out a sigh and a smile. He picks me up bridal style. I lay my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry Christina and Zeke. I shouldn't have done that." I cry.

"Hey, you have nothing to be sorry for" Zeke says.

"Yeah" Christina says.

Uriah puts me down, I look into his eyes.

"I'm sorry" I say.

"No, it's okay. I'm gonna protect you at all costs" he says kissing my head.

I walk over to Four. His eyes are filled with tears, he has dark pits around his eyes and his face looks sad.

"Tris?" He says. I shake my head and walk away.

I made a mistake by choosing him. I thought he was the one. I guess not.

Heey Guys!!
Yes I know! I'm sorry about Fourtris!
There will be some Uris...but Tris will soon get back with Four!
Keep reading to find out!
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~ AJ

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