Chapter 35

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I wake up. My eyes open. I am in pain, and I am lying in a hospital bed. I look around the room and see a button. If I push it, it will send a nurse to come in my room.

I lean over, the pain is unbearable. I push the button, earning a little alarm coming from the speaker.

I start to think about what happened with Marlene. She kicked my stomach. The blood around my stomach and legs.

My Baby.

I start to hyperventilate. What happened to my baby? If it didn't survive I wouldn't be able to live with myself. The nurse comes in and sees that I am freaking out. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears.

"Tris, you need to calm down" she says.

"My baby! Where is my baby! What happened?!" I yell. "Where's Tobias! I need Tobias!"

"Tris! Please calm down!" She says coming closer to me with a syringe with purplish liquid. She jabs the needle into me. My head feels clearer, my arms and legs feel weak. I can't hear the heartbeat in my ears anymore.

"Okay, Tris. I'm going to go get Tobias. Just stay here" she says.

Whatever she injected me with, makes me feel dizzy and sick. I push the blankets off me and I get up off the bed. The pain is unbearable. I groan.

I feel an awful bile coming up my throat, I grab the bin that is located next to me and spew up the contents. I sit down on the floor. Tears blur my vision. I want to get angry, but my mind won't let me. The stuff she put in me is mixing with my emotions making me confused.

I hear someone come in. Must be Tobias.

"Tobias" I say.

"Oh baby!" He says rushing to my side, he crouches on the floor. "You okay?" His face is blotchy, he has dark circles under his eyes. He clearly hasn't slept and has been crying.

"Someone better tell me what the fuck is going on. I'm starting go get pissed off. We're is my baby!" I shout."

He has tears in his eyes. He looks at his shoes and than back at me.

"Tris, the baby didn't make it" he says.

Then, my whole world stops.

I freeze.

I just lost a precious little human being who would have been my world. I just lost a precious part of my life that would have made me a Mom, I would of protected him/her with my life. Make lunch for school, go on family holidays. I just lost all of that.

I just lost my baby.

I scream and start crying. I put my hands over my ears. "This isn't real!" I scream. Tobias is shaking me and mouthing words. He grabs my hands and tugs them down.

"Tris! Everything is going to be okay!" He shouts. He pulls me into an embrace. Sobs overtake me. I choke on my breaths. I make Tobias's chest wet with tears. I pull back.

I stand up. I don't worry about the pain. Tobias immediately stands up. I look him in the eyes.

"Where's Marlene? And how long have I been here?" I say angrily. When I say her name, it tastes like venom.

"She is with Christina, at her apartment" he says, "you were in hospital for about a day"

There are cords and wires connected to me. I grit my teeth and rip them out. I can't feel the pain over the adrenaline rush. I walk out into the hall way still wearing the hospital gown. Tobias chases after me. Tears are streaming down my face. He pulls me back.

"Where are you going? You can't leave. You had surgery just last night" he says. "Look, your stomach is bleeding! You ripped the stitches. Baby please stay. You need to heal"

"Marlene Killed My Baby" I say through gritted teeth.

"Now I'm going to kill her"

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