Chapter 20

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Time Lapse|The Day Before a The Prom|

Tomorrow is the Grade 12 Prom. This year has gone by so fast!

I'm out shopping for Prom dresses with Christina. We have been shopping for 1 hr and 30 mins at a shop called 'A Dress For A Princess'. Christina keeps yelling 'oh look this one!' And 'TRIS ERMAGERD! (omg)' it's annoying.

I walk around the shop searching and searching. I decide to walk outside and clear my head, I need ideas for what type of dress I want. I turn my head to see the dresses in the window. One catches my eye.

It's a light pink dress that goes past the feet. Around the chest looks like scattered silver glitter held together by the transparent sleeve less material. It a beautiful colour. It's perfect.

"Christina" I yell.
She comes running outside and sees the dress I'm looking at.
"Woah" she says as her eyes grow wide and shocked.
"It's the one" I whisper just loud enough for her to hear.
"Get it!" She squeals.
"Christina! Your dress!" I yell. "It's Beautiful!"

It's a turquoise colour and it goes past the feet just like mine. It a boobtube dress. It has silver glitter around the chest and it's absolutely stunning!

"Let's go try them on!" She yells running back into the store.
I walk up to the counter and ask for the dress I picked out. The lady hands me the dress, I say thank you and walk to the changing rooms.

I slip off my clothes and see my bare skinny stomach. I pick up the dress and slide the silk material up. I put my arms through the arm holes. I ask the lady to come and zip up my dress.

"You look beautiful darling" she says.
"Thank You" I smile
She walk into Christina's dress room and does her zip up. I walk out and Christina and I squeal when we see eachother.

"OMG! You look stunning!" I say
"You look absolutely amazing, Tris!" She says.
"There the ones!" I yell walking back into the changing room.

I slip off the dress and put my clothes back on. We walk up to the counter and pay for the dresses

"That's a total of $350.78" the lady says.
Christina and I go halves in the payment.

"Shoes!" She yells walking into a show store. I get a pair of salmon colour heels with little sequins on them. Christina gets aqua coloured heels with a black sequinned swirl near the heel.

"I can't believe this year went so fast" she says.
"I know! Before we know it we will have kids and get married" I say.
"Have you and four done 'it' yet?" She says emphasising the 'it'.
"No, but we are tomorrow night" I say.
"OMG! Really! That's amazing! I already did 'it' with Will" she squeals. "Last Friday"
"Haha" I say.

I am at my apartment. I left my dress and heels at Christina's because I'm getting ready at hers tomorrow.

"Anyone home?" I yell. No one answers. Four must be with Zeke and Uriah.

I decide to go upstairs and have a bubble bath. It's about 6pm. I walk up the large stairs and walk into the bathroom. I get out the bubble bath mix, bath salts and bath fizzers out of the cabinet under the sink.

I start the warm water. I add all the stuff into the bath. I smell lavender and rose. I get undressed and get into the big bath.

The warm water is soothing against my skin. I decide to play some music from my phone. I grab it and put on 'Waiting Game~ Banks' I sing words to the song.

"Hello?" I hear a yell coming from downstairs. It's Tobias.
"Up here" I yell.

I hear him walking up the stairs and walking into the bathroom.

"Hey baby" he says walking over to me giving me a kiss on the lips. "Well isn't this a beautiful sight"
"Your only seeing my boobs, you ass" I laugh.
"You ready for tomorrow night? prom is going to be amazing" he says.
"Yeah I got my dress, do you have your tux?" I ask
"Yeah, I went and got mine today with Uriah and Zeke" he smiles.
"That's good" I say

"You still sure about the after party?" He asks.
"What after party?" I say
"You know us two" he says sitting on the bathroom floor beside the bath
"Yeah, what about you?" I ask.
"As long as your comfortable and not pushing this just to make me happy then I'm okay with it" he says. "And not going to hurt you" he plants a kiss on my lips.
"Okay" I smile
Just letting you guys know that on chapter 1 it says a Precaution about inappropriate content and swearing in this story. I suggest you read it.

Also the picture is Tris and Christina's Dressed, Tell Me What You Think✌️

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~ AJ

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